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PPO Soon?
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Moped Racer
Location: DE
Deep fried
Location: AU
forzy, maybe it's possible to remove "PPO records" table from trackpages of tracks which have never been on PPO?
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Why remove them?

It just encourages people to get their track played on PPO. :d
Site Leader
Location: US
it just takes more place... putting them into one table and adding "tabs" would be cool tho.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
eyebo says:
Why remove them?

It just encourages people to get their track played on PPO. :d

Do we want every track on ppo?
I don't.
..wasn't me
Location: DE
Very good point SkunkY :cool:
Site Leader
Location: US
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