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Mark tracks with custom blocks
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Mark tracks with custom blocks  
Maybe it is useful to make it clear when a track has custom blocks (or needs the Unlimiter to play at all).
It would be easier to find for people who are looking expecially for tracks with custom blocks, and more important from my POV, people who download tracks without reading the description know why the track isn't working when they do not have the unlimiter.
So I suggest something like what's common for Press Forward Tracks:
(CB) Trackname (=Custom Block)
(UL) Trackname (=Unlimiter)

What do you think?

Sorry for my bad english , but the coffee isn't working today.
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
This will provide a temporary solution until I add options for marking your track as 'blockmixed' or 'contains custom blocks'.
Deep fried
Location: AU
Yeah! (y) That's the best solution.
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
You also have this thread dedicated to MPBC tracks. ;)
Does it djent?
Location: NO
that would be great Forzy :d
until you built it in, I will put that tag before my only track till now :p
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
Forzyy says:
This will provide a temporary solution until I add options for marking your track as 'blockmixed' or 'contains custom blocks'.

Thats great forzyy! Any timeline for it?
Moped Racer
Location: PH
Forzyy says:
This will provide a temporary solution until I add options for marking your track as 'blockmixed' or 'contains custom blocks'.

I hope you mean manual marking like a drop-down menu. And not automatic marking. Some of my tracks have one or two blocks mixed only to fill up gaps in the scenery so it would be unfair to mark these tracks as blockmixed. ;)
Quad Bike Racer
Location: NL
great how it got solved, I like it :d
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
GanjaRider says:
I hope you mean manual marking like a drop-down menu. And not automatic marking. Some of my tracks have one or two blocks mixed only to fill up gaps in the scenery so it would be unfair to mark these tracks as blockmixed. ;)

Manual for now, automatic later. Even the smallest block mixes still require TM2 unlimiter.
Deep fried
Location: AU
Forzyy says:
Even the smallest block mixes still require TM2 unlimiter.

To make, not to play.

Putting something on a track that says "requires tm2 unlimiter" indicates you need it running in order to even load the track, which isn't true for all tracks made with unlimiter.
Site Leader
Location: US
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