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Allow replays on nadeo's tracks
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Thanks but it wasn't that.

I should have check before, sorry. :$ But the issue come from my replay. It's bugged. No timeline, no ghost etc...

So, no MX problems :)
Learner Driver
Location: FR
Actually, what Space linked is the cause of your issue.
Replays that are saved via "Export to validate" seemingly contain no ghost car or map file. It's just the validated data from the run. The replay can be uploaded to MX, and it works for comparing times, but there is nothing inside the replay to "watch".

Lately people have been using "export to validate" to upload their autosave replays, since MX had broken the ability to upload autosave replays.... because they were trying to prevent people from uploading StadiumCar in Canyon replays and vice-versa.

I don't know what can or should be done, but that's the state of things. :)

I'm really happy to see the Nadeo leaderboard up in any case.
Site Leader
Location: US
Rather than export to validate, is not possible just to load the autosave into the replay editor, then resave it ?

This should maintain the track and cars, but add the required fields to upload the replay.
Surely Retired
Location: GB
Is there a way to upload replays which were saved online? I drove a quite decent time on D14, in Dedimania though, and I can't upload it :/
Quad Bike Racer
Location: DE
MrA says:
Rather than export to validate, is not possible just to load the autosave into the replay editor, then resave it ?

This should maintain the track and cars, but add the required fields to upload the replay.

In TM2 this doesn't work, because opening a replay in the replay editor and editing it (and then re-saving it) causes the replay to be invalidated. You'll notice the time next to the replay disappears in the list of replays in your in-game replay browser.

If you try to upload an edited replay (even if you didn't even change anything in the replay) you'll get an error on MX that the replay is not validable.

If you try to "export to validate" the replay in-game, the game no longer gives the option on that replay. It's grayed out.

Sadly, instead of adding information to the replay, I think re-saving must lose information.
Site Leader
Location: US
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