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Object import has arrived
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Object import has arrived  
Site Leader
Location: US
Niice, one step towards official custom block support, i think ?

Better be, 'cause i want to implement engine killers in one of my betas :p
Moped Racer
Location: NO
Objects and blocks will only ever be in custom title packs I think.

But yeah, I guess it's a step in that direction.

It's cool how objects are independent of the building grid though. Actually allows for a lot more possibilities than was previously possible with blocks locked to the grids.

Also, TGYoshi said you can rotate objects in 15 degree increments (instead of 90 for blocks), which allows even more diversity.

I hear ManiaPark will probably do their own custom title pack and keep it updated with the latest and best objects.

Quite exciting. :)
Site Leader
Location: US
Wow, this is good news ! Cant wait too try it.... :p
Moped Racer
Location: PH
qq unlimiter invalidated again qq qqq q qqqqqq qqq qqqq q.

Any way I can turn off ALL automatic updates including the non-choice dialog box "do you want to update TM2 now or quit"?
Moped Racer
Location: BE
Not that I know of. I think they want to keep everyone on the same version (the latest) so that any bugs that come up are a result of problems with that version, and not the result of people using a million different incompatible versions.

It's too bad about unlimiter though. :(
Site Leader
Location: US
Fine, then I'm just going to run the game in the background and not close it. :p
Moped Racer
Location: BE
;) lol - it´s probably got a built in crash routine after 24 hours =p :wait:
Learner Driver
This was just a few months ago...

Oh wait, that's TMUF.
Site Leader
Location: US
I don't get it.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
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