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TM² Valley - discussion
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According to the Steam page countdown to game unlock (yes i saw it), release is scheduled at 13.00 GMT (Britain: GMT +1, France GMT +2, Finland GMT +3 etc.)

This would mean as of posting this message, unlock happens in 5 hours and 26 minutes.
Old Age Caravanner
Location: FI
Oh well! I'll get around to buying it. I still haven't even bought Stadium yet. (brb)
Deep fried
Location: AU
Several track thumbnails..

Segmentation fault
Location: NL
Moped Racer
Location: BE
Looks sooooo good (l)
Does it djent?
Location: NO
WoW Game looks stunning but i am let down with the feel of the car on the dirt....
shame ok i try it more but think i be going back to xbox sooner than later now
Location: GB
I'm quite unhappy about Valley. Not only does it feel rather like Stadium, no exciting brakes/drifts, instead some ice-skating on dirt, but all the same crashes and weaknesses of the editor still exist and the look is not nearly as exciting as one might've extrapolated from Canyon, if you asked me, really. And they have a beautiful engine!
Worst of all, however, there was no way of testing it before buying, which is plain ugly. Nadeo really goes for bad habits on this one and I sure hope they recover from such strange arrogance quickly. They've got in essence a great thing going, but somehow, something happened to them. Customers?

If I had a wish, it would be to take Canyon to the next level, really. Noodle with the physics a little to give it some more weight and corresponding grip, but not as sticky and stopping as stadium and valley; spend your years with figuring out more exciting crash solutions where appropriate (head first into walls, this sort of stuff or anything that warrants a respawn), splashing water would be nice. But most of all fix the damn editor and media tracker. You still have to reload your map, if you wanted to deal with a replay in the MT. It still crashes arbitrarily, if you add things (like an Image, as I had it just now).

Without a doubt it all is a matter of opinion, but- for what it's worth- this is mine. :build:
Last edited by Taronium,
Quad Bike Racer
I wouldn't say "arrogance" when they sell for 18€ a game which is very likely to be better than several 60€ shits i've already bought. But i'm still waiting for that damn block import or block editor whatever it is feature they promised like 3/4 years ago...
Besides Valley is definatly not stadium. It looks closer than Island actually, except for some platform textures we can see in the launch trailer. And thank god it does not have this gran-turismo like stadium car handling where you simply can't break if you are too fast. Bay ftw.
Last edited by Virus,
Quad Bike Racer
Location: FR
it's there for ages, called "objects". only in custom titlepacks tho.
Last edited by Space,
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
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