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Bucky says:
I'm not going to discuss a rating system anymore. I've made my thoughts on the subject quite clear in at least one other thread. It's been thoroughly discussed before, 1. and I haven't heard of any plans for implementing such a system.

2. I still believe that you should not judge a track by the amount of downloads it has, and that it would not be very accurate if the site did so.

1. we talked about it so i hope it come
2. lol, i say a lowest download list (unoticed tracks get a second chance.) not botw list..

because if you have 10 different cakes and we need to find the best, we need to taste all, right ? 8-| and in mx we have 1000 untested cakes and to find the tastiest so we must try them. and with a "lowest download windows" we can taste more by a coincidence.

Beetle Racer
Location: SE
Just because it was discussed does not mean that it deserves to be implemented. I do not think that it is the best system for MX.

If you just want to start tasting the cakes, use the Random Track button. It shows tracks that haven't gotten much attention at all.
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
I wish everybody would use the given search options.. why do you need a window for least downloaded tracks? You can search for them already.

--> Find Tracks
--> Use the Search Filter 'Primary Order' (Dropdown Menu)
--> Choose the Filter 'Downloads (Least)'

There you go.

There cannot be everything on the front page.
..wasn't me
Location: DE
Speaking of search.
Why is there not here in the forum search engine to find existing issues ?
Sry the keyword was too good.
Quad Bike Racer
if that was true that would be awesome, but there is no download (least) option
and i mean "top 10 least dl" so i can choice between 10 tracks atleast not just random if i dont want that.

and i didnt know that the random was the least dl ones :d iam glad to hear that (l)
I try o find te 30 page award tread to read about the rating and i almost sure that its comming but i cant check becouse i dont find it.
You have more option becouse you are Moderator 8-| simple as that ;)
Last edited by SPIDER,
Beetle Racer
Location: SE
You're right. 8-|
I have the option to search for least downloaded tracks.
I assume it's a privilegue for donators then. ^^

The random search is not for least downloaded tracks afaIk.
..wasn't me
Location: DE
It doesn't say so in the public change log, but I thought I remember reading it somewhere ...
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
You might be right though. I just tried the random search for maybe ~ 40 clicks.
None of the tracks had more than 25 downloads.

I even had tracks with 1 and 2 downloads. They were both from the same author who has built 175 tracks and overall 1 award. Many of his tracks have decent screenshots. Based on the quality of his screenshots it's hard to believe that his tracks all suck.

If you wonder who I'm talking about, his name is MX-KO.
..wasn't me
Location: DE
SkunkY says:
If you wonder who I'm talking about, his name is MX-KO.

lol SkunkY its ko tracks and you cant play/download them unless you are a moderator 8-|
Beetle Racer
Location: SE
lol, holy crap.. :$
Yeah well, they could still be awarded. :p
..wasn't me
Location: DE
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