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Best of the Week (done)
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MrA says:
SPIDER says:
maybe when we award we can rate it by select 1 - 5

1 nothing speciel but still worth an award
2 good
3 awesome
4 fantastic (l)
5 amazing :o
dont take the text to serious its just example to show what i mean
but the rating per award is not showing just the overall rating
rating: 4.5 by 34 :award:

so one track has 3 in rating with 22 award
and another got 3 award and the raiting is 5 and it means this track is underrated try it and is highest in best of the week

this or maybe this

or 2 seperate windows one for rating and another for best of the week

Something like this is already in planning, its just about getting it done, but I start to become like nadeo and not want to promise things incase they dont happen.

I found the rating :) I feel good about that answer^^
Beetle Racer
Location: SE
He's right about it not happening. It's not going to solve anything so we don't need it.
Deep fried
Location: AU
This make me sad angry and disappointed to hear.
:'( :'( :'( :'( :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :|
The only thing i was looking forward to see here on mx, except the "replay download"

you wrong, Ofc it helps track to get a fair level to easy spot a track with just 1 award and the rating of 5.
if we, the user is fair in rating and 1 award isnt enough for some player but maybe with the rating it is. :$

:| :wait: :-w


Last edited by SPIDER,
Beetle Racer
Location: SE
blogs didn't really make anything, just track spamming went to another level. did we need it?
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Point is not solve anything, because there's nothig that needs to be solved... IMO the point is find a system to sort tracks in a dynamic way.
It's like track values. You can boost a track by posting your time, so users who do value search always get something diferent depending on the users activity.
If we had a rating system the tracks will go up or down in the list in a dynamic way. If we have two tracks awarded by the same number of people, in awards system are the same. But with rating system this won't easily happen. And a new track can fight with the oldest tracks in same conditions. Now this is quite dificult: Old maps always has and big advantage.
I don't mean we have to remove awards system. I think awards can works nice in adition with ratings. So users can sort tracks in a diferent way. And this gives a interesting tool to them. Some fresh stuff without leaving old school system...
An old dog can learn new tricks XD

Quad Bike Racer
Location: ES
nice post, totally agree.
in that case, awards will kinda show popularity of the track, and rating will show quality. still better than awards only.
Last edited by Space,
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
I'm so tired of this quality bla bla.
Just imagine for 1 minute we had a rating system.
I'd bet all I have that we'd have another discussion and cant about 'crap' tracks getting high ratings and 'quality' tracks falling behind because 'noobs' find them too difficult. Along with other reasons people would add why they are unhappy about the system (or how others use it).

You can't rate the quality of a track in a rating system because it's a matter of taste. You'll find tracks with high ratings that you hate and tracks with low ratings that you love.

So a rating does just about the same the award system does. A track with a fairly high rating says that a certain number of people liked a track. The same is shown with awards.

But most important of all.. forzy is coding the site. He's made clear a rating is not going to come.

Sometimes you simply have to take what's given and use it the best way you can.
You have a lot of possibilities here on mx. Use them!
..wasn't me
Location: DE
SkunkY says:
I'm so tired of this quality bla bla.
Just imagine for 1 minute we had a rating system.
I'd bet all I have that we'd have another discussion and cant about 'crap' tracks getting high ratings and 'quality' tracks falling behind because 'noobs' find them too difficult. Along with other reasons people would add why they are unhappy about the system (or how others use it).

You can't rate the quality of a track in a rating system because it's a matter of taste. You'll find tracks with high ratings that you hate and tracks with low ratings that you love.

So a rating does just about the same the award system does. A track with a fairly high rating says that a certain number of people liked a track. The same is shown with awards.

But most important of all.. forzy is coding the site. He's made clear a rating is not going to come.

Sometimes you simply have to take what's given and use it the best way you can.
You have a lot of possibilities here on mx. Use them!

This. Very well said, as usual, Skunky. (y)
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
This is not well said, but it's like ever since.
What does a mod or admin is the law and everyone has a different suggestion to write garbage.
It was on TMX so and it is here that again.
There are people who are seriously thinking how to make it better, but no proposals are stifled in their approach, just because you want to do it.
Such a shit blog one needs the the page is slow, makes the need to have it. What nonsense.
The same if some write here, the page was very slow, you have to wait a long time continuously.
Bullshit says the admin, we're also too stupid to determine such a thing.
You are ignorant and refuses any help.
As an admin, I take such advice seriously and I am also grateful to the error can find and fix.
Unlike here, it is ignored and the user's fault that it's so slow with him.
We're not little children here bla bla, but sometimes experienced website owners have the idea.

This is nonsense ?
I had all day yesterday, constantly, no matter which side I was here.
But no, it's the users, the site is perfect ;)
Other users have reported any other errors.
You want to understand it ?

The proposal with the rating is just awesome.
Do you not see that you must do something to make it more interesting because here the time is simple dead pants ?

Ok, it's your side, your decision but then laments not around when nothing is happening and produces an error page after another.

I do not understand you, you are anything but reputable professional site operators.
Quad Bike Racer
didn't understand everything you said, but you're damn true about slowness of the site. on TMX it's even worse, every 2nd page loads for a minute, and PPO bugs like hell (check PPO forum, I've posted about it).
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
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