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Unlimiting frustrations...
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Unlimiting frustrations...  
I think this is the right place to bring this up; has there ever been a community effort to convince Maniaplanet to hook up an "expert mode" that takes off the tile limits as opposed to the terrible Unlimiter loss with each compulsory update. I couldn't even stop today's update, because there was no option of escaping it.

Maybe it's fate's little hint to me and some of us, that there are countless more valuable things to do rather than wasting time on making maps for some game, but it's just been so much fun, it's awful. I've started such a curious RPG a few days ago which I simply can't continue now and I just got into the groove of doing more exciting maps... regardless the quality, it's been a joy "without limits".

So, yeah, some sort of petition or communal uproar or so, hahaha, maybe that will encourage mania to relax and hook up the "All Bets Are Off" button in the editor. :build:

Anyway, I had to make some noise, hope you don't mind.
Quad Bike Racer
People have asked for this many times. And I think Nadeo has heard us.

Hylis today eluded to something that could come in the future.

"Hylis" says:
we bet that with more player, more knowledge, maybe some object import (with grids) will be cool to diversity, and if we do a cheat code for mixmap one day (not sure about this)

Site Leader
Location: US
Just to add some fuel to the fire: I think the real "expert mode" is the one limiting the placement of blocks...
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
Gogo simple editor!!! :cool:
Site Leader
Location: US
Cheat code, hehe, that would certainly do it! :cool:

The limited variety of blocks itself is plenty of challenge, really. Often enough it shows that the placement limitation is generic and not specific to blocks, which reduces the creative use of pieces beyond reason. You can call it an "expert-challenge", if you like, but I call it "annoying".

Thus far I've been too lazy to explore the creation of custom objects. I wonder, if they can have proper collision detection/determination to be used as ground, too?! I almost can't imagine that. :|

Anyway, if you know where to make an impression and who needs enthusiastic motivation to hook that up, I'd be happy to contribute vote and words! (y) (brb)
Quad Bike Racer
The problem is rather that a certain amount of blocks is missing.
Learner Driver
Honestly, I like the default editor much better, because then at least it looks natural when you're playing the track (which some tracks do achieve, but most do not). What really irritates me though is when you have two blocks that if you mixed would not touch each other but yet you can't place them. This is true often times of turn pieces where something could be put to the inside but can't, but also things like the quarter circle platform block in canyon. You could place 4 of them in one grid space theoretically and they wouldn't intersect.
Last edited by Cxom,
Moped Racer
Location: US
Exactly, this is not so much about jamming pieces that won't fit on top of each other. It's really about intuitive use of blocks, which scream to be fitted next to each other, but won't.
I'd also agree that simply important segments are missing, but it's tricky to find the right balance before the editor gets too crowded, I'd understand that. However, a certain consistency would do the trick. Like having corner pieces for all kinds of tiles including the big loop ramp. You've got corners for the damn new tree hills now, haha, how vital is that? I mean, I'm grateful, but still...
All in all, of course, the editor is a blast and very accessible. Most likely due to decisions we currently appear to regret, but they should just offer a third mode "Simple", "Advanced", "Unlimited". - or a tiny checkbox "unlimited" for either mode.

I did get carried away sometimes with the unlimiter, but when I did not, wonderful little tracks like "Mini02" came out effortlessly.
I've just seen another fantastic track "Korrado", which apparently has managed to do blockmixing in the latest version. I wonder, if he went into hex with that? Or did I miss something? 8-|

Quad Bike Racer
The route of Korrado wasn't blockmixed, Mir doesn't like it. However, for the sake of deco and track playability/lisibility, there was some blockmixing.
Mir works with computer, maybe that's a hint... But he might as well have done differently, e.g. using macroblocks of his own creation. Feel free to ask, he's the nicest guy on earth.
Last edited by his_dudness,
Learner Driver
Double post sorry : discussed about this with Mir.
He started with Unlimiter and finished the map without, plain and simple.
Learner Driver
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