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DBS Contest - Prizes: 16 TM²Valley Keys!
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That's a nice tutorial...but there's one problem.. I don't have Canyon =p I make TMNF Stadium wallpapers, but sometimes when I need a quality shot, I ask someone, and since this compo should be "secret", I'm not sure if I can ask someone ;)
Last edited by Dule,
G-kart Racer
Location: RS
It also Works for tm2 stadium
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
he doesn't own it either. why secret btw? since we gonna post entries in this topic anyway...
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
im so bad ._. i send my replay on " Serpent "
how can i delete it ?
Learner Driver
Location: FR
I agree. Daniel I'll pm you when I have the angle ^^
G-kart Racer
Location: RS
Dule says:
Awesome compo! <3

I do have a question;
Can I ask for an angle shot? - I will make an in-game angle but my quality is not the best, and I don't know how to make spinning wheels.

Why don't you make the angle, send the replay, and have someone else shoot it for you?
Also, there's tutorials for shooting spinning wheels:
Lodec pasted one:
FT»Lodec says:
for dule ;)
spinning wheels

But there's also one for TMF:
spinning wheels effect

Patriot says:

Is there for the SCREENSHOT CONTEST a max. File size (kb, mb) and file format (.jpg, .png, .gif etc.) specification ?

JPG and PNG are allowed. GIF is not recommended, but it is allowed. Filesize doesn't matter.

Dule says:
That's a nice tutorial...but there's one problem.. I don't have Canyon =p I make TMNF Stadium wallpapers, but sometimes when I need a quality shot, I ask someone, and since this compo should be "secret", I'm not sure if I can ask someone ;)

You could also make the angle in TMNF, and have someone who has TM2S shoot it for you. Or you could use TMNF to shoot the angle. You can make some pretty cool stuff with just TMNF (as we all know from the years and years of awesome screenshots people have made there). The main idea behind the rule for not editing other people's angles is that people aren't taking other people's submissions to the contest and editing them.

Porix says:
im so bad ._. i send my replay on " Serpent "
how can i delete it ?

I'm so bad too! I was working on this contest post after midnight. I looked at the date thinking the 28th was tomorrow, when in fact it's today. So I've changed the rules post to say 27th. Your replay is safe. :) It will be included in the contest.
Site Leader
Location: US
eyebo says:
You could also make the angle in TMNF, and have someone who has TM2S shoot it for you. Or you could use TMNF to shoot the angle. You can make some pretty cool stuff with just TMNF (as we all know from the years and years of awesome screenshots people have made there). The main idea behind the rule for not editing other people's angles is that people aren't taking other people's submissions to the contest and editing them.

I know how to make angles and stuff, I just wanted to know if someone else can shoot it for me. I got my answer ;)
G-kart Racer
Location: RS
I know you know, you know? I've seen a lot of your awesome work! (y)
Just giving suggestions, not only for you, but for anyone else who reads. ;)

Have fun! :d :d :d
Site Leader
Location: US
Awesome contest eyebo! ;)

Hm, Valley comes out 4.7., but the deadlines of these contests are later. Hopefully it's open Beta on 4.7. and your keys are for the full version then.
Moped Racer
Yes, the keys will be for the full version of Valley.

There is no beta though. The full game will be released on July 4. Cerovan said as much on MP Forums.

Yeah, the end of the contest will come quite a while after Valley is already out. :(

Now I wish I had started the contest earlier. :p But who would have guessed Nadeo would have released Valley so soon after Stadium? :o
Site Leader
Location: US
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