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DBS Contest - Prizes: 16 TM²Valley Keys!
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the "fun" is away, I'll quit. Figos is so ridiciously good at Rally, nobody can beat him, congrats to the key..
Learner Driver
Location: DE
I'm in for the mapping contest! But, I have doubts about the scenery

how is it possible not to build the same "idea"? I can use the same scenery block several times, can't I? :)

oh and is it a MTC judging like? I mean, MT on 5 points, etc.
Last edited by FT»Joyeux,
Moped Racer
Location: FR
hehe, wiidesire. I guess that on all tracks there will be some of the top drivers try to get a good time. Figos is definitely one of the best Rally drivers, but there are guys, who could beat him, especially since he didn't drive TMU for 2 years. Just a question, if the other Rally-Pros give this contest a try. We'll see.
Moped Racer
FT»Joyeux says:
how is it possible not to build the same "idea"? I can use the same scenery block several times, can't I? :)

The main idea is for it not to feel repetitive when you drive it. Of course you can use the same block several times.

FT»Joyeux says:
oh and is it a MTC judging like? I mean, MT on 5 points, etc.

It's not like the MTC. It's more in line with how BASCO was judged. There are no categories.
The judges will rank all the tracks on their overall feel and how well they embraced the theme while also making a great track.

An example:

1. moving power
2. brown stains
3. superman
4. trump card II
5. learning curve

Then each track is assigned a score:

5pts for moving power
4pts for brown stains
3pts for superman
2pts for trump card II
1pt for learning curve

Then the points will be added up from all three judges and the track with the most points wins.

The screenshot contest will be judged the same way.

Tuta says:
Am I allowed to do a valley track? 8-|

A good question actually. I don't think I'll allow any Valley tracks or screenshots though. Since the judges are not familiar with the possibilities in Valley, it would be a bit unfair to include it in the contest at this stage. I'm sure there will be other contests which will include Valley, including the MTC.
Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
My screenshot submission:

Click for large image
Last edited by hypnosmurf,
Learner Driver
great one (l)
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
My Screenshot


General Indecisivity leads to:
Faster and Slower as well, to taste.
(These are here for simple SC/WP purposes of course, not for the comp)
Last edited by Cxom,
Moped Racer
Location: US
I wonder what was the reason to making goal top1, look at the stadium tech map,Yoyo uploaded sick replay, and i doubt that much people gonna hunt it after this - if only you would make it like "random player from top5 or top10 getting the key" people, maybe, could get some motivation, but now... :)

Yeah, I know that 1st place is 1st place, and if you created your competition for like 5 players on each style then it's fine :)
Last edited by Railag,
Learner Driver
Location: UA
randomness ain't cool in such things...
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
yep its dead on the tech map dont even try :d :d :d
Learner Driver
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