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Well, we will have three headers when the Valley one comes. And this was a competition. But I see your point Tuta, and I can understand it. But MrA had so great words that 'I'll say what he said' ^^
Lagoon yay!
Location: NO
Elvestad says:
Well, we will have three headers when the Valley one comes. And this was a competition. But I see your point Tuta, and I can understand it. But MrA had so great words that 'I'll say what he said' ^^

I have no problem with MrA's reasoning, It makes perfect sense ^^. It is the "No. Because I say so" that I dont like :p
· · · – – – · · ·
Location: SE
Headers number one are so cool, imo they are 10 times better than the 4 other candidates (they all are good anyway) :d who made them?

And, I don't know what's wrong with discussing? Putting them all could be great, but their style is pretty different, so even for aesthetic reason I'm not sure it would work.
Last edited by FT»Joyeux,
Moped Racer
Location: FR
24 votes so far (: you can find authors of the headers in a sticked topic.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Will the author of the winning set get asked to make a complimentary Valley header? I hope so.

And now I'll send my vote...
Site Leader
Location: US
eyebo says:
Will the author of the winning set get asked to make a complimentary Valley header? I hope so.

Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
What if the winner doesn't have Valley, and also not the possibility to buy it?
Beetle Racer
Location: RO
then he can ask others for angles and stuff like that :)
Lagoon yay!
Location: NO
The angle is probably the main reason the lucky skilled guy is going to win this contest 8-|
Last edited by FT»Mandark,
Beetle Racer
Location: RO
If the winner doesn't have Valley, I'll give him a key. Ok? Ok.
Site Leader
Location: US
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