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[Suggestion] Trial as a track style
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Great ! (y)

Now while at the subject of track styles, what about:
... says:

Mini RPG
Grand Prix
Hack Map/Impossible

I'm partly joking. (although there definitely exist examples of, for instance, impossible maps ^^)

Just a somewhat related question; is there a list of definitions of the different track styles on MX? I find it weird that both 'Race' and 'Multilap' are listed, but are they really track styles?
G-kart Racer
Location: NO
My vision on them (aka nothing official):
Race: 'default'
Fullspeed: Always accelerating (usually no sliding)
Tech: Drifting/Slowing down/Taking turns the pro way. Or so.
RPG: Obstacle-ish map with a story.
LOL: The builder already knows it's a bad map.
Press Forward: Endurance mode for your acceleration-pressing finger.
Speedtech: Tech which is faster then usual, for Stadium/Canyon I see speedtech as a fullspeed style with manual drifting.
Multilap: Actual purpose is to drive multiple laps. There are multilap maps where this isn't possible (they're one run -> restart...), they are multilap with a single lap (so.. not multilap).
Offroad: Big part is off-tarmac.
Trial: Obstacle-ish map without a story.

I don't think we need other styles, unless you have a great idea for a new style. Trial was kinda needed since a trial map wouldn't exactly fit under the generally known RPG definition.
Segmentation fault
Location: NL
The number of laps on a track is already listed under 'Track Details', isn't having 'Multilaps' as a track style excessive? Besides, Nadeo usually calls their multilap maps 'Endurance'. Well, they also called trial maps 'Obstacle', so I can see a reason not to rename the style, and all multilaps aren't that long anyway :p but it does not really describe a track very well either way.

In the case of RPG and mini-RPG you kinda already have the same thing going, having both would also be excessive, because if you'd want to know if it's a mini-RPG or a RPG, you could just read the 'Track Details' and check the length of the map.

I can see the reasoning for having a default 'Race' style, because beginners' tracks probably wouldn't fit into either of the categories ^^

Well I was partly serious about the suggestions, although having too many styles would probably be bad, but I checked TMX and realised the track styles there were a bit different (I assumed they'd be unified on that matter), and to my surprise I noticed that 'Stunt' is missing here too. (They also had 'Maze' but, hah, who cares about Labyrinths.) Well the question is: Why isn't 'Stunt' on the list? Some of the others could be added too, although most are pretty niche and unusual styles, but isn't stunt a fairly recognisable style?
G-kart Racer
Location: NO
Issue is that maps already use some styles. Removing styles would only cause troubles.

Stunts/Freestyle was the only type I could think of besides the existing ones, yes.
They usually use their own MapType though.
Segmentation fault
Location: NL
Freestyle doesn't use its own maptype. And it is quite a distinct style. Freestyle kinda died in Canyon due to blocks and lack of air control and stuff. But I think we'll see it make a comeback in Valley, so having that style in the selection would be nice.

Stunters does of course have its own maptype. But what about the new Stunt mode added to TM2? It's there in the main title if you go to host a server in-game. Only problem is, there doesn't seem to be a maptype for it, so I don't know how to make maps for it.
Site Leader
Location: US
Race is also a Map Type, but it still has its own track style ^^ I don't see the problem =)
G-kart Racer
Location: NO
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