The number of laps on a track is already listed under 'Track Details', isn't having 'Multilaps' as a track style excessive? Besides, Nadeo usually calls their multilap maps 'Endurance'. Well, they also called trial maps 'Obstacle', so I can see a reason not to rename the style, and all multilaps aren't that long anyway
but it does not really describe a track very well either way.
In the case of RPG and mini-RPG you kinda already have the same thing going, having both would also be excessive, because if you'd want to know if it's a mini-RPG or a RPG, you could just read the 'Track Details' and check the length of the map.
I can see the reasoning for having a default 'Race' style, because beginners' tracks probably wouldn't fit into either of the categories ^^
Well I was partly serious about the suggestions, although having too many styles would probably be bad, but I checked TMX and realised the track styles there were a bit different (I assumed they'd be unified on that matter), and to my surprise I noticed that 'Stunt' is missing here too. (They also had 'Maze' but, hah, who cares about Labyrinths.) Well the question is: Why isn't 'Stunt' on the list? Some of the others could be added too, although most are pretty niche and unusual styles, but isn't stunt a fairly recognisable style?