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MTC Theme suggestions
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Changing speeds

Build a track where the speed exceeds 400, then goes back below 100, back up to 400 and finishes below 400. (or any other good speed limit)
Quad Bike Racer
Location: FI
Clearvision says:
Changing speeds

Build a track where the speed exceeds 400, then goes back below 100, back up to 400 and finishes below 400. (or any other good speed limit)

seems boring af.
Last edited by iHq/fredair.esu,
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
iGn' | fredair says:
seems boring af.

I don't think, that it would necessarily be boring when implemented well but it allows for a lot of cheating with boosters.
Buffer Overflow
Location: DE
iGn' | fredair says:
Clearvision says:
Changing speeds
seems boring af.

Well thanks man :|

Solux says:
[quote=iGn' | fredair]seems boring af.

I don't think, that it would necessarily be boring when implemented well but it allows for a lot of cheating with boosters.

Well dont allow boosters or something similar. Osaka can for sure tweek the rules so that they are appropriate. (y)
Quad Bike Racer
Location: FI
I'm on fredair's camp on this one actually. Making such speed differences would either break the flow completely or exploit some odd mechanic (like doing long frontflips) that only works one out of ten times.

You also didn't account for waterbumps with basically axe 2/3 of your speed, which works wonders for stopping the car without breaking the flow but are stadium* only and as such not really fair. And at that point it'd be much more interesting to make a waterbump theme.

*Technically Lagoon will also have them but it's still not lagoon time.
The Green Dude
Location: ES
Theme Idea: Changing styles.  
This theme is pretty simple:
The map must have at least two different styles (tech and speedtech for example) and they must be easily distinguishable from one another.
I think this one would be interesting because it might be a challenge for builders focused on a single style and maybe give an oportunity to less talented builders that have a larger variety of build styles.

This theme or very similar ones might have been suggested already. I don't read the forums that much so I'm sorry if that's the case.
Sorry for any bad english. :p
Last edited by ZBluDriver,
Learner Driver
Location: FR
ZBluDriver says:

I think this one would be interesting because it might be a challenge for builders focused on a single style and maybe give an oportunity to less talented builders that have a larger variety of build styles.

Well I doubt. Furthermure Speedtech already is a mix of fullspeed and Tech.
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
ZBluDriver says:

I think this one would be interesting because it might be a challenge for builders focused on a single style and maybe give an oportunity to less talented builders that have a larger variety of build styles.

Well I doubt. Who says that less talentef builder have a larger variety of styles. The best mappers i know (e.g. Uetzer, pascow, v.neck, hitchy, sky, DisGo, shortz...) have a huge variety.
Tl;Dr: you argumentation doesn't make sense IMO.
Furthermure Speedtech already is a mix of fullspeed and Tech.
Last edited by iHq/fredair.esu,
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
I know the theme's I suggest now have been mentioned before, and been done in earlier MTC's on TMX.

Island hopping:
- you can build a map on 3-5(or more) spaces X by X (example: 5x5)
(only scenery can be build outside these area's.)
- you have to cross at least 2 times from One "Island" to another one.
- Each island can only be used once.

edit: small mistake this was one of the last themes as fredair said

Build Inside or Outside of the given shape:
(just as we did on tmx the Build outside the sheep)
- A base map will be given for each enviroment.
- Your task is to build a map within the given shape or outside it (specified by the rules)

Hidden Cut's:
as The theme of the DTC (first unofficial mtc back on tmx)
- build a map in any style you wish.
- make an intended route and a route wich can be droven with the cut's you have hidden. (min 3 cut's)
- any mixure of cuts or none should be finishable without to much trouble.
(as long as you drive the map with the "cut" route you have to see the difference in time)
Last edited by FT»lolig,
Moped Racer
Location: BE
FT»lolig says:

- you have to cross at least 2 times from One "Island" to another one.
- Each island can only be used once.

( 'w')?
The Green Dude
Location: ES
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