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75 Builders Project - Collecting Parts: Round 2
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I have talked to cxom and he has been very busy lately, but he said he had some free time now. I have told him that I have time if he needs some help.
So hopefully this will project will be completed, eventually! (y)

Does it djent?
Location: NO
eventually, when computers will be fast enough to run the map 8-|
gado is a
Location: DE
Any news?
Moped Racer
Ordered parts for a new pc with great graphics card, I'm ready now!
Beetle Racer
Location: FI
Can I have your old PC parts, because I bet they are better than mine xD
Moped Racer
Location: US
In an era in this project will be finished, PCs will be a thing of the past. Kids will learn at school about the beginning of the tech-era and they'll laugh about 4k and flat screens in their virtual reality classrooms.

But one day an old frail man, enters the classroom with a copy of Trackmania and an actual old PC. Despite the primitive technology a few of the kids start to play the game after school. They hold competitions. They create their own maps. They hunt maps and they mock each other for being better or worse. Quickly they catch the others attention and by the end of the week one of them discoveres this unfinished project 'District 75' in the first archives.
A few fascinated friends quickly sit down and finish this project. For a presentation in class they actually render a so called 'video'. The teacher 'Mr.Smith-Johnson-Williams-Brown-Jones-Miller-Davis-Garcia-Rodriguez-Wilson' laughs his ass off and tells them how naive and 2015 this is. At the end of the talk there is a question: "What's the next project after this?" - Someone suggests District 225.
And the cycle starts all over again...
gado is a
Location: DE
Zack11 says:
Can I have your old PC parts, because I bet they are better than mine xD

Laptop with GeForce 630M, I doubt it :d
Beetle Racer
Location: FI
wormi says:
Laptop with GeForce 630M, I doubt it :d

Laptop with Intel HD Graphics 3000, I think mine's worse xD
Moped Racer
Location: US
Jesus, I thought I have the worst one x) This is just 3 years old though.
Beetle Racer
Location: FI
A long time ago, in a galaxy far,
far away....

It is a period of civil war.
Rebel mappers, striking
from hidden bases, have won
their first victory against
evil restrictions of Nadeo's map editor.

During the battle, mappers
managed to steal secret
plans to Nadeo's ultimate weapon,
the GPU limit, an unbreakable force
with enough power to destroy the
cooling systems of generations to come.

Pursued by Nadeo's
sinister agents, Prince
Cxom races home aboard his
starship, custodian of the
stolen plans that can save
his people and restore
freedom to the galaxy....
Moped Racer
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