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Basco 2014 Stage 3 - Nitroguy wins!
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Seriously, I tried it 5 minutes from the last CP and it did never work. Even if by respawning a CP earlier it was still really hard to make the jump. I think I made it once and then not smooth.

Actually, you are right. We seem to have diametrical tastes. It doesn't mean yours is not bad, it simply doesn't fit my taste :) But both of you can get revenge on me when voting my map part this round as I won't have time to vote or a PC to check other players submissions.
Moped Racer
lolig, next time I'll make sure to cover my blockmixing :p

And yes, let's start a fight via voting, so that voting in the end will be completely subjective!!!!!! 8-| 8-| 8-| 8-| 8-| 8-|
gado is a
Location: DE
shame on everyone who vited haenrys part down, its looks so damn great with that scenery and it was the part which was most fun to drive (l) (l)
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
I won't take revenge , I 'm going to lower my self to that level :p
I'm just voting on the way it is build, looks, and how it drives (well personal taste is also a factor but I wont downvote a part for revenge)
Moped Racer
Location: BE
@lolig: Was just kidding of course. Just vote as you like it best and which part you think will complement the prevoious ones the best :)
Moped Racer
You're still supposed to test how the part works with the whole track tcq. If you were only supposed to test the last stretch there would be no point in using the rest of the track.
Last edited by FT»Osaka,
The Green Dude
Location: ES
@Osaka: Sure, I did test it as the whole track, but each time I play a map where a CP does not work and there isn't a usable respawn route gets out of principal 0 points from me. Nothing against your map, but that's just how it is.
Moped Racer
That's the influence of being ET mapadmin :p
gado is a
Location: DE
but I have to recall that respawn ways could be build later on.

or if you respawn at a cp try a different route (like on my previous parts they were all respawnable if you drove an other route.
the part I made this time is respawnable on the same route as normal.

anyways giveing a 0 to a part wich ins't respawnable? thats just harsh.. its like giving under 5 points just for the fact it is build in a style that doesn't fit you. if you ever were to judge in a mtc this way I guarantee you that would be your last time ever. I and some others here are used to judge on mtc's and we all know judging a map isn't about personal taste of the mapping style.
no you rather have to look on how it is build, technics wich are used etc..
like I really hate tech maps in overall. still I won't downvote tech builders their maps.

same way goes with respawns, I know it could be frustrating to be stuck on that same spot time after time, but we are still in the building phase wich means that all flaws could be solved.

Moped Racer
Location: BE
yes, some respawnways could be added later one, that's right.

lolig, different voting criteria for every judge is actually the advantage of having so many judges. One judge looks more at respawnways, while the other judge looks more precisely at flow and a third one likes to be picky on diversity. All three combined they provide a more solid judging result than just one of them does.
Now imagine what categories 10 judges will look at (automatically) and thus they are even more precise and provide a more solid result. This way it is okay that votes from a single judge do not resemble the overall result, but sure are they important for the overall result ;)
gado is a
Location: DE
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