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MTC September 2015 - Switching Surfaces
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Voted! I used the following criteria:
- Theme (3 points): whether you could feel or not the transitions
- Trajectory (3 points): whether the map was pleasant to drive for me (I insist on "for me").
- Scenery (3 points): whether the map looks good.
- Bonus (1 point): for very specific maps that caught my attention (in a good way...)

Base is 2 points in each category. 3 points if you did a great job, only 1 if it was not that good, and 0 if you really sucked.

All maps that I could not finish (all these maps with jumps that require a perfect speed up to that point...) got a 0 in trajectory, because it is just irritating and absolutely no fun at all (at least for me). Theme and scenery for these maps were evaluated with the GPS.

PS> morning mayhem is not on the dedicated server.
G-kart Racer
Location: FR
ranig says:
PS> morning mayhem is not on the dedicated server.

Oh yes, good that you mention it. Morning Mayhem exceeds the file limit of 2MB for online maps. So we were not able to put it on the server :s
Last edited by haenry,
gado is a
Location: DE
Ranig: I bet you couldn't finish my map (You're a valley player?!)
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
Actually you were lucky, because I did^^ The long jump made me cry a little bit (OK, a lot...) but I managed it ;) I am a stadium nascar player (and mapper, even if my maps are not on TM for various reasons), so I am used to maps that are easily repeated and do not contain this kind of bottlenecks. I play a little bit of canyon when I get bored (I like the drifts) and I suck at valley... To be precise, there was 5 maps that I could not finish (2 stadiums, 1 canyon, 2 valleys). But well, some of those maps got decent or even good grades thanks to awesome scenery and ideas ^^
G-kart Racer
Location: FR
Well mine is one of those stadium's obviously :3
Quad Bike Racer
AR »DrHugs. says:
Well mine is one of those stadium's obviously :3

your map wasn't easy for me, that one jump killed me so often
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
Can't vote.... Problems with my pc... So i'm stuck with phone and ps....
Moped Racer
Location: BE
Voted :done:
Learner Driver
Voted! :done:
Learner Driver
when will we know who won :) im exited :cool:
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
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