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MTC Jan 2016 - U-Turn Drama
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Working on the video ! Just waiting the results to put each map in the correct order !
Trying Unique Idea
Location: CA


G-kart Racer
Location: ZA
Quad Bike Racer
Voted, put it off to the last couple hours :p
Old Age Caravanner
Location: US
Great, I participate on a MTC and results get delayed :(
Quad Bike Racer
Location: CL
mgafMUAT says:
Great, I participate on a MTC and results get delayed :(

not the first time. haenry has much work (and a reallife). Let him time so he can write a nice article etc. I don't expect to been mtc tween again or Carl Jr. ^^ rushed that map and its pretty one sided (only walls / TO's)
Beetle Racer
Location: DE

Thank you guys for being so patient. Your wait is over and here are the Results of the first MTC in 2016:

:gold: 1st Place :gold:

Very nice atmosphere, flow, smooth, these highspeed 180° SDs are on point. - fredair

A very beautiful and flowy sprawling map. - bwbigmac

:silver: 2nd Place :silver:
"MTC - Rain Slicked Roads by   AR »rexine

Feels good, looks cool. Good flow & a nice scenery, what else? - DrHugs

Probably my favorite of the month. Nicely built, good variety of roads, appreciate the respawn routes, helped me learn it quickly. The last loop/wallride combo is tricky to keep traction but still fun. And all without a single booster on the main path! Well done! - bwbigmac

:bronze: 3rd Place :bronze:
[Bad Track/Map Link]

+ nice screenshot
+ nice MT work
+ good raceline but
- first only standard 180° wallrides, spin and loop
+ good scenery"
- Beatinfected

Here is the full list of results

Congratulations to DrHugs, rex.racer and fredair for Top 3!
You guys won a showcase of a map of your choice (<10 awards) for the frontpage of MX.

You can find the full data of the results here on this webpage.

Thank you for every submission and vote this month. The number of votes was a lot lower than in the previous months, so every vote was important. (y)
Over *crrshhk*
Last edited by haenry,
gado is a
Location: DE
gz to senpai DrHugs and rex.racer. Was not the easiest theme but not as difficult as this month.
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
Oh thanks guys ! didn't see it coming, btw i think the rex's comment is wrong, its said by "rex" while it's his track :p
Quad Bike Racer
Gg everyone, happy to be just one point from the leaderboard!
Old Age Caravanner
Location: US
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