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MTC July / August 2016: Road trip!
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MLNR. Poupipomme says:
Build a 4m long Road trip in Stadium is from my point of view and by far harder than build a road trip in Canyon so maybe Stadium maps will be Advantaged ? ( that's an idea )

You hear that
it's the sound of
git gud

The short answer is no. The long answer is that if we were to give environments advantages due to their limitations it would prove unfair to competitors on other environments. Also we'd never end the list.
The Green Dude
Location: ES
omg once you give advantage to a certain enviroment people will expect this to happen to every single mtc...
it is still possible this theme even easier then canyon and valley if you use the allowed Title packs ( RPG etc are stadium only packs)

anyways I'll prolly drop out. I can't get my map near 4:10.00 long... 2:30.00 is my max atm and I do not want to build over the already build stuff.
Moped Racer
Location: BE
lolig +1
The RPG Titlepack is a huge advantage, with all the stuff you get. Allow all titlepacks or none at all
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
MLNR. Poupipomme says:
Build a 4m long Road trip in Stadium is from my point of view and by far harder than build a road trip in Canyon so maybe Stadium maps will be Advantaged ? ( that's an idea )

Why do we need to give some environments an arbitrary advantage over others? MTCs are judged for the best maps that fit the theme. If the theme is easier to do in, say, Canyon, then logically most people would build their map in Canyon. Giving an ‘advantage’ to a particular environment, at least to me, makes it sound like the particular environment itself is not as good mapping itself than other environments at the task. To me, that sounds silly: environments are not people, or anything capable of building a map in any fashion.

fredair.esu says:
lolig +1
The RPG Titlepack is a huge advantage, with all the stuff you get. Allow all titlepacks or none at all

That’s not what lolig is saying. What lolig is saying is that if we do give an advantage of any sort in an MTC, then people will want advantages of the same nature in future MTCs. While this statement may prove false if we do give an advantage (lolig here is using a slippery slope argument - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slippery_slope ), given the nature of this I would think he’s probably right. In either case: saying that “the RPG titlepack is a huge advantage” to me is false: Since everyone can use it, it is an advantage to no one. If the RPG titlepack was available only to some of the entrants to this MTC, and not all of them or none of them: yes, it is an advantage - but not to the Stadium environment. It would be an advantage to those who could use the titlepack, and to that group only. But since everyone can use said titlepack, no, it is not an advantage.

Another point: The point of having restrictions in an MTC is a challenge to the mappers. If those restrictions happen to make an environment harder to use in whatever MTC - that’s irrelevant to to the MTC. To rephrase what I said above, people make the maps - not the environments.

Importantly: People have already submitted maps to this MTC. If we should have tweaked the rules for this theme - it’s too late to do so. Example: Snake55Wildcat already has a map submitted. If we say, “Stadium gets extra points because it’s harder to build in”, then you have put Snake at a disadvantage - you literally changed the MTC. From a technical standpoint, you basically devalued his map, possibly to the point where he has to start over, and build from scratch for a second time, in Stadium because suddenly that is the best place to do it.

Lastly: If you want to have an MTC with a different theme and/or scoring system, suggest it for the next MTC. Or, run your own mapping contest. If you think you have a good idea, those two options would be a better approach to see it get done.
Learner Driver
fredair.esu says:
Allow all titlepacks or none at all

I says:
[...] additions to the classic rule of "no titlepacks" were purely because they're created around building massive tracks, which is one of the requirements for this MTC.

Last edited by FT»Osaka,
The Green Dude
Location: ES
If I submitted my track and made available an alternate version with less blocks for lag issues would that be okay, or would it count as two separate tracks?
Quad Bike Racer
Location: US
Technically, your entry is the one on the submission thread. I will take a look at that one, and scores are expected to be on that one. However, as far as extra versions, you can do as you please.

If you're scared that it might lag on my computer, I recently built a rig with more horsepower than the Trackmania engine can even understand, so don't worry about that.
The Green Dude
Location: ES
First time :cool:
Last edited by nilakite2,
Learner Driver
Location: SK
You want to put your entry over here: https://tm.mania-exchange.com/threads/3229/mtc-july-august-2016-submission-thread?page=-1

This thread is for the rules and discussions.
MTC Host
MTC Host
Location: US
And it seems to be too short as well (min 4:10.000)
Buffer Overflow
Location: DE
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