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MTC October 2016: Ghost Town
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Wow, thanks for all the positive votes! I wasn't really sure how my course would be received, what with all the condensed scenery and abundant mediatracker stuff. That, and I could't really compare my course to the rest of the entrants since I never tried them out (things got busy for me around the voting period). :$

See you all in the next MTC!
MTC Host
MTC Host
Location: US
congrats to arkive I knew his map would win for sure but I like to get some explenation to the "3" I've gotten on my map.

I really like to know what happened here. what to do better or what went wrong.

also despite this one negative voter wich voted in overall pretty bad on most maps but a few. I'd like to force voters to explain their votes if under 5 or over 7 at least so others know what to improve.

on this one seeing other ppl's their vote on my entry (wich aren't as high as arkive's.) to get ignored or so. these "random" numers seem to be invalid or by friends of other player...

again a big GZ to arkive, once i played his map I really enjoyed it. also wrote that on my comment on his map.
but a random 3... without explenation (on a map fitting the theme) and a random 7 (on a map wich is only on night mode..) yep seem 200% fair...
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Moped Racer
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