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MX Community Project!
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don't know if Art is active any more... :-w
and about your part: I don't like it. it doesn't flow well, and it's f**king hard!
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
How doesn't it flows well ?
Beetle Racer
Location: RO
after left platform turn a big jump to the left, then jump near lamps and drift to the left, then jump near lamps and hard landing. with italic I marked the biggest problems (imho).
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Practice more and you will be able to do it easily ;)
Beetle Racer
Location: RO
do we really make a map where player must practise a lot before finishing? (question to all)
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Space says:
do we really make a map where player must practise a lot before finishing? (question to all)

I think we agreed on making something that is easy to finish but hard to master...

About the track: I think the big jump is a problem because it's blind and doesn't follow the car's twisting angle. It's easy to make, yes, but for these two reasons it just feels uncomfortable to drive.

How you could fix it: Make a downhill before the drop/jump, so that the driver sees the landing area before the drop/jump (I honestly think a drop would work better here). Or, make it 100% downhill and remove the jump entirely. Don't get me wrong, the jump isn't bad, but I think it could be improved.. and we should make the track as good as it can possibly be :p

Second thing, also about the twisting of the car: The final drop from GP to platform. The drop comes too soon after the curve, which means there's a great chance you're still turning while the GP ends. That leads in the car twisting, and the landing becomes unpleasant to drive, or even so bumpy that your car bounces off the route.

How to fix this: Make a longer straight after the curve, or if you want to play with physics, keep the GP as it is but change the platform so that it follows the car's landing angle. I will only allow you to use the second option if you have driven at least 10 of DeaD.oas' maps and have at least 3 years of building experience though. :d (joking aside, feel free to try whatever you wish!)
Back in action!
Location: FI
I know I have nothing to do with this and all but I tried Mandark's section of track to see how you guys were going etc and I was a little confused. The driving seems to completely miss the bit in the middle of the track (if looking from a top view) and just go around it. But there's a checkpoint there so you can't miss it, meaning you have to go left onto the thin road piece and then respawn at the checkpoint. I don't understand why it's there, I know I'm missing something but I just can't see it, could someone please educate me :$ \
Also I'd like to agree that Mandarks piece is too hard (if it's what I think it is) (*EDIT-- it was what I thought) , I missed the first jump and then tried again, got the first and second jumps all good, turned and then bounced off the top of the last piece, not landed smoothly. It took me 3-4 tries to get it right and I don't consider myself a bad driver, although it should be bad driver friendly anyway

Themaniac2- poking his nose into everybodies business 8-|
Last edited by Themaniac2,
Old Age Caravanner
Location: AU
mandark's part starts after platform drift, with GP jumpblock.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Well, I am was still active, but I don't check the MX forum everyday...

And, unfortunately, I won't be active until next Tuesday. So you can kick me off, if it'd too long time, or move me to the bottom of the list.
G-kart Racer
Location: PL
Mandark? Have you read my post?
Back in action!
Location: FI
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