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Your Mania Exchange account has not be linked with your ManiaPlanet account. Click here to link them.
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good job ff! Continue like that :d
Moped Racer
Location: CH
Enai Siaion says:
What do we gain from this btw? :$

It's to combat self-awarders, track and replay validation. I will also be adding the ability to notify your friends of recent track uploads through ManiaHome (optional). ;)
Deep fried
Location: AU
Cool. :cool:
Moped Racer
Location: BE
Sweet, gj! (y)
Quad Bike Racer
Location: AT
Noticed i had to logout/in after linking the accounts...
Old Age Caravanner
Location: BH
Rax says:
Noticed i had to logout/in after linking the accounts...

Old Age Caravanner
Location: FI
anyway I didn't understand what to do I logged out and in again and it doesn't change anything
Old Age Caravanner
Location: DE
I was sent http://accounts.mania-exchange.com/user/mania_connect/&scope=basic&response_type=code&state=5gmtzenmodt4fv03abpi2k4g" target="_blank"> here when I try to link my MP acc with MX acc. And I can't upload my track now because i my acc has to be linked with my mx acc >.<
Last edited by FT»Mandark,
Beetle Racer
Location: RO

1) Login to MX Accounts Portal
2) Click 'Connect Now' (accept certificate)
3) Enter your ManiaPlanet (TM2 Canyon) login
Note: This is a NADEO page, Mania Exchange will never know your details.
4) Click to allow access for the permission request

Your Mania Exchange Portal account will now show as being associated with your Mania Planet login.
You may then return here and continue as before.
Last edited by MrA,
Surely Retired
Location: GB
it still says I'm not linked even after doing what you said

e:/ now it's away o.O
Last edited by ƻFlow.qb,
Old Age Caravanner
Location: DE
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