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Your Mania Exchange account has not be linked with your ManiaPlanet account. Click here to link them.
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"Authentication denied. Wait and retry." I try...

" Oops! "Something went wrong, please try again later."
OK, now it still works... (y)
Last edited by 2bfree,
Learner Driver
Location: FI
after pressing on Connect now Firefox sais that it can't trust the site; never saw that, but sounds very serious.
Moped Racer
I think it's the SSL Certificate that your browser recognizes as not trustful. Adding an exception worked for me (I'm using Chrome tho)
Quad Bike Racer
Location: AT
[user deleted]  
[user deleted]
Learner Driver
Same here :(
I also use FF.

Edit: With IE it was now.
Last edited by Patriot,
Quad Bike Racer
after linking still had "not linked" message", after relogin it's gone (:
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT

i have tried all night long still no joy, even when i login to maniaplanet then do the link like above, and then add p/word
and name comes up and say this player does not exist how the hell can it do that when i am login already :@ at maniaplanet and here...
Location: GB
lol ^^^^^^ lol

me thick as hell.... :$ it was the game login details (y) it was asking for...what a thick fool i am..i was trying to enter ManiaPlanet website details =p

after login out of ManiaExchange and back in its gone ;)

Last edited by WRAITH,
Location: GB
smok3y says:
Oh thanks, I now see [the red error message] has gone away, but it should be instantaneous, don't you think. To me it can be termed as a bug just for the heck of it, lol ;)

+1, that was my only issue
Moped Racer
Location: US
I can't link the account. I get "Authentication denied. Wait and retry." every time I try to login on maniaplanet via that link. When logging in on TM2 it is no problem.
Is there any other way to post tracks?? I've posted several but I am unable to do so now :(
Learner Driver
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