July 2019 Public Voting Link: https://forms.gle/w4q65t1PJ8UtrSoa9
This month there are
7 8 MTC entries! Download them all
In the voting sheet, give your score before your feedback (0 to 10, decimals are allowed). If you have comments, leave them right after your score. For example:
2.1 - This show is for people with talent, and unfortunately you failed to realize that before coming here
- Everyone is allowed to judge, even players who submitted a map (your score on your own map will be removed, so give it whatever you want!)
- Every map will be judged with a decimal number from 0 (bad) to 10 (good). All votes greater than/equal to 7 or less than/equal to 4 require constructive feedback on why you gave it that score
- Note that you have to judge a stage entirely! You cannot judge only half of it. If you are not able to finish the map, your vote can still count! Please only leave that as a very last resort, and still judge the entire map fairly
- You need to verify your vote by making a post here (for example: "Voted ")
- One best and one worst vote for each map will be ignored if more than 10 people vote
- The overall score will be a mixture of the average public score and the average internal score
- The mixture will be 70/30 if there is 1 public voter, 60/40 for 2-3, and 50/50 for 4+
- You must have access to all environments and vote on all maps for your votes to count
A panel of judges will also judge the maps.
internal voting will follow the format of:
Theme (20p) | Creativity (10p) | Fun (10p) | Detail (10p)
All public voting will soft close on August 9th, 2019 at midnight PST. After that you'll have until the internal judges complete their voting.
Last edited by AR »rexine,