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MTC - October 2011 - First MX edition! [Results on page 23!]
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Geez guys, it's not like we haven't waited longer before. Throwing out jokes on a guy because he's slow when he's offering to spend his spare time playing, analysing and evaluating YOUR track isn't really the best way to show appreciation of someone's work. Besides, if the results are (too) forced, they risk being inaccurate and/or shallow - in which case all you will do is complain yet again.
Last edited by broadsword,
Moped Racer
Location: SE
well, if results come these days it's faster than last months on tmu-tmx ;)

But I miss the times back in (dunno, 2007?), when the tracks were judged at 29. of the same month and the results were published at the 30./31. And after that on the 1st of the next month the new theme was posted.
It was simply better; the whole process was within one month.
Now we always have two MTCs at the same time, one to build and one waiting for results.
Moped Racer
While waiting for the results, build another MTC track! Infinite profit.
Back in action!
Location: FI
That's troll science Ville :DD
Moped Racer
Location: CH
.dejavu says:
That's troll science Ville :DD

And that means it doesn't work :(
The Green Dude
Location: ES
Marius 89 says:
But I miss the times back in (dunno, 2007?), when the tracks were judged at 29. of the same month and the results were published at the 30./31. And after that on the 1st of the next month the new theme was posted.
It was simply better; the whole process was within one month.
Now we always have two MTCs at the same time, one to build and one waiting for results.

you can't have 45 tracks in a contest and expect the judges to be able to finish that in two days. if you wanted the results faster then you should have not submitted your track....

I'm joking, but still, results take time. I know i spent at least a couple hours on it but it was hard to do more than like five at a time because you get burnt out fast.

I guess there will always be flamers asking for the results no matter how short or long they take (I was there once), but its still important to think about it from the judges point of view. you may have spent a long time building your track, but the judges then have to grade 45 tracks...
Beetle Racer
Location: US
I think there's at least two reasons why judges take a long time (maybe more).

1. The judges don't start as soon as maps are being posted. Instead, I think most judges wait until the submission deadline and then start. But they don't need to wait. If all judges began judging maps as they came out.. the results could be compiled a day or two after the submissions deadline. It would be almost like instantaneous results.

2. Not starting for a couple weeks after the submissions deadline. Okay, yeah, you made a commitment to judge... but first you "need" to finish building a map, or drive that RPG, or do this or that. It's called procrastination, and we've all done it. But when it affects other people, it becomes more annoying to them, more annoying to you (cause you know people are getting annoyed at you), and its generally just a bad way to operate. That's true not just for the MTC, but for anything in life.

I'm not trying to pick on anyone specific here. The truth is, we've had many judges the last few years that were late with their results. There were even some that made us wait a long time into the next month only to tell the organizers that they couldn't finish judging. So we all waited for nothing.

I guess some judges are young and inexperienced... and haven't learned what it means to be responsible. So perhaps some leeway is in order.

But I really don't think saying "oh, they're giving of their time to judge your map, so shut up and quit your whining" is really helpful either. Judges can't be given free reign to finish whenever they feel like it. That's why a judging deadline was also instituted. It's not unreasonable. The contest has to maintain an organized structure, from the hosts, to the builders, to the judges themselves. Without order, the whole thing falls apart.

So the deadline for judging ended on November 9. If judges started judging this month's contest when the first map was uploaded, on October 4.. then they were given 37 days to judge. There were 45 tracks. So that averages out to a little more than 1 track a day. Some days you'd have to do 2. Is that really that hard? There's plenty of time given.

Even if you started after the deadline ended on the 19th, that's still 22 days to judge. so that's a little more than 2 tracks a day. That's very doable, especially if you're at all active playing TM... which you should be if you had volunteered and/or accepted an offer to judge.

Anyway, there ARE judges who are diligent about their assignment and we surely appreciate all the work of ALL the judges that they seek to give accurate scores to all tracks. Without the judges, there would be no MTC.

But maybe there are some things that future judges could keep in mind. ;)

Edit: I neglected to list a 3rd reason why judging can get stalled. Many times I've got stuck on one map while judging. It's when I've run across an incredibly difficult map that I just can't seem to finish. I might work hours to get a clean run on it. And I don't feel I can judge it until that clean run happens... or I just haven't got a true feel for the track. In that case, the fault for a delay in results rests squarely on the author for making a very unforgiving track that punishes the judges. Even so, if I had started judging as the maps were being uploaded... any such delay would be buffered by the fact I started early.
Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
eyebo, everything you write should be a sticky. (l)
Beetle Racer
Location: US
It's all true what was said.
complain constantly leads to nothing.
it leads, if any, to that a false result occurs,
due to excessive pressure, the judge to be exercised,
and inadequate testing and reviews are the consequences.
I am glad that the community such great actions
as the mtc have launched!
Of course it is still useable ugly when the time is past,
the wait is not a nice thing.
we are looking forward to the outcome of the judges.
this is like a small child, shortly before christmas.
only sleep one night, then there are gifts :p
one night is like a half life :d

sry for my bad english , i need translater to help :(
Last edited by bladerunner78,
Old Age Caravanner
Location: DE
Nobody knew about the deadline for the judges till yesterday, so imo, it's quite normal to start asking for the results.
And also, the other judges were finished some days/weeks before the 9th.

Since deadline was the 9th, there's no rush to see the results.

It's better to wait some more time and get good and objective results, than waiting 2 days and get "corrupted" and bad executed results just for the rush to finish as soon as possible...
Moped Racer
Location: CH
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