Banjee says:
totally agree with you guys about how improtant he was to Apple's success. I am just going to kick back now and watch apple become the next microsoft....
Isn't it the other way around seeing as though Windows 8 will be less friendly to open development? If they killed the console then I'm double screwed, since I still haven't fully figured out the allegro library.
Either way, the computer technology industry is at a turning point. Either accept the fact that both companies are trying to phase out desktops and laptops and start building tablets and smartphones (if that's the case I'll be hoping for a CME to set us back fifty years technology-wise) or start selling computers that run Linux. I'm sure companies like Ubisoft and VALVe will have no choice but to switch platforms due to the open-ended nature of their games (Trackmania isn't the only customizable game that Ubisoft has, there's the Chessmaster series and I bet they have some stuff that I haven't seen yet).