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Ask a Furry Anything!
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I didnt open it :$
What sums up the average furry is a random person milling around dA for fan art of his favorite character. What sums up sick deranged fellows is porn. They are different, trust me.
And that dude that made those pictures has no idea what a furry is. Those pics suck. :p
Learner Driver
Location: US
MyNameIsNotPa says:

What sums up the average furry is a random person milling around dA for fan art of his favorite character.

That's opinion.
... says:

What sums up sick deranged fellows is porn.

More opinion. (bordering on nonsense)
... says:
They are different, trust me.

Not always.
... says:

And that dude that made those pictures has no idea what a furry is.

He knows what a stereotypical furry is, which seems to be beyond your understanding.
... says:

Those pics suck. :p

Calm down, Pa.

In the future, don't claim to be something you're not and then try to deny it. It's silly.
Quad Bike Racer
Ok, this thread was pointless in the first place. It was meant for stupid questions and stupid answers. We can all stop bothering each other now. :$

Though, I will say this.
All mediums of art have adult art. For example, I went on a school field trip to a museum and there was a section for adult art. Though, frankly, adult art is for adults. =p
So, stereotypically, people are taking furry adult art and associating it with all furries, instead of adults. They apparently ignore all the completely non-controversial stuff that most of us actually deal with.
Last edited by MyNameIsNotPa,
Learner Driver
Location: US
Who's a good boy?
Quad Bike Racer
I used my superior sniffing ability to smell a troll... Hmmmm. Smells like, above... +o(
Learner Driver
Location: US
MyNameIsNotPa says:
Ok, this thread was pointless in the first place. It was meant for stupid questions and stupid answers. We can all stop bothering each other now. :$

As you wish. *clack*
Back in action!
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