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What's the appeal? I mean, what is it that makes you like this "phenomenom"?
· · · – – – · · ·
Location: SE
Really, it's a style of art. And just like appreciating any kind of art, it's uplifting. Also, most furries are really nice and it's easy to make friends with them. But there's also fursonas and that stuff I can't explain and you have to be born into. :-w
Last edited by MyNameIsNotPa,
Learner Driver
Location: US
MyNameIsNotPa says:

Whoa, whoa, chill, chill, easy, bro!
Define that term now.
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
I dislike that everything has to be categorized, named, labeled, shoved into a genre, subgenre, subculture, or classification.

People like what they like. Why do we have to name it. :s It creates unnecessary boundaries in everything from art to music, to video game design. There should be no boundaries on this stuff. People should just create and enjoy.

If you like anthropomorphic animated animals, so be it. There's a lot worse things you could like.
Site Leader
Location: US
I fully agree with eyebo. :s
But think of it like a hardcore Star Wars fan.
Remember the first time you pulled out a red lightsaber and really imagined you were Darth Vader? How that felt?
Well, drawing a fursona, or what you would look like if you were a furry, gives you a feeling that you're close to your fandom like acting like a Star Wars character.
Learner Driver
Location: US
MyNameIsNotPa says:
Remember the first time you pulled out a red lightsaber and really imagined you were Darth Vader? How that felt?

I never pulled out a red lightsaber :s
(fursona means fur persona, right?)
Beetle Racer
Location: DE

And I wasn't darth vader. I was count dooku. :d OH NO!
Last edited by MyNameIsNotPa,
Learner Driver
Location: US
So... Well.
Let me get some things straight.
I have nothing against the taste of other persons as long as it doesn't harm or limit me in any way, because I can. I respect people and their thoughts and don't question them. What I dislike is... ah god damn it we need a spoiler tag for what I was about to say! Otherwise I'd probably get banned :s.
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
I hope you were going to say they're just faggots with a heavy hair fetish.
Quad Bike Racer
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