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RPG style tracks gone forever in TM2?
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There's always going to be new dynamics and tricks for each environment you make a RPG or trial track with, as if you made one in any of the United environments besides stadium, like eyebo said.

RPG is certainly going to be different because Canyon isn't stadium. And I thought RPG builders would welcome this with new concepts and possibly story ideas as well.

Especially once blockmix is implemented the vast amount of platform blocks and slanted structures, as well as walls will give you possibilities to build huge domes and dungeons, whatever you want to call them, while mixing in some other pieces in these areas like pipes (which you can drive on, just not as easily as in stadium), parts of the GP roads not normally used for driving (the smaller side roads and the shades above them for jumps possibly), using tunnels and small passages with platforms like in stadium. You could easily make a tough platformer or maze-like construction.

It's not going to be like stadium, but it will still be the basic concept of a RPG, and you'll be able to influence others with new ideas. Just be creative. ;)
G-kart Racer
Location: US
RedVirus says:
Enai, I think I can add to your post as well. What about wall bounces to shoot up to a higher road/platform or across an area to another road? Your right, hitting walls in here only works against the dynamics of what were able to do in TM1. LoL, I sound like a kid whining about the little things. But I feel if it isnt broke dont fix it. If you want something new, include it and make it better.

I have this in my track. The trick is to hit a wall sideways and climb onto it. Much easier if the angle isn't 90%. If you can get a few wheels on the wall, you can turn upwards and actually jump across gaps that way.
Moped Racer
Location: BE
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