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Where are the downloaded replays?
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Where are the downloaded replays?  
I dont know if this question has been discussed before, but I still wonder where the replays which you downloaded from solomode are. Its pretty useful to compare the replays, to see the tricks and to analyze the run.

Any help appreciated! (y)
Quad Bike Racer
Location: DE
Replays are connected to having a leaderboard here on the site. That's in the process of being implemented, so you can't upload replays here quite yet.

See the thread linked below for some direct info from Forzyy, who coded the site and is working on the replay/leaderboard stuff.

Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
Ohhh trust me, it's been discussed before :p
It's one of the mods' top priorities, just be patient ;)
Moped Racer
Location: US
I think I misunderstood his question though.

He wants to know where the replays are from solomode... when you download a replay from a competitor online.

I'll look into it right now.

Edit: The replay appears to be saved in C:\ProgramData\ManiaPlanet\Cache\

It's saved with the usual long string of numbers for the filename followed by ".replay.gbx"

The thing is, the file is smaller than a usual replay file, so it must contain only the drivers data, not the entire map... calculated shadows, etc. So it makes the file much smaller, but incompatible with other replays. So if you copy this file into your replay folder and rename it, the game won't see it sadly.

Maybe that answers your question?
Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
Yeah, you got my question now :)
Too bad there is no option to make these replays work, I hope Nadeo will change the destination of the replays, just like in TMF; downloaded replays were in a special folder.

But thx for help! (y)
Quad Bike Racer
Location: DE
It's actually discussed in this topic:
and this one:

It's the only time I've seen Cerovan not actually know what he was talking about. He was probably going on past knowledge about TMF and assumed Canyon worked the same. Not so.

I agree, it's too bad these replays are obscured. I'm not sure what reason is behind it. :s
Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
haha_eyebo__ already working and its not in cache :d

Your autosave replays is located here.*
Documents and Settings\SPIDER\My Documents\ManiaPlanet\Replays\autosaves

or the replay you save by hand is here.*
E:\Documents and Settings\SPIDER\My Documents\ManiaPlanet\Replays

*if you have "save automaticly all replays" in profile >> advance settings on

online pb saves also sence the uppdate oct 18. but it save both pb and server replay,
if you dont want the server replay just search autosave in autosave folder and delete them after you played online and you should only have your pb left and save alot of space on your hdd
pb = your best replay
server replay = 5 minutes replay with all ghost on the server you are on and you can edit the replay and see how someone drive to learn a few tricks just remember the names of the player you want to see

cache = skins cars pictures and mods is saved here as temporary.

btw: solo/offline replay is available sence the release 09.14 8-| (spider_A04.Replay.gbx)
now... I have a question what is this mean ?

1) Standard tracks now have a maximum of 25 submission limit. :d
Last edited by SPIDER,
Beetle Racer
Location: SE
Everything you said is correct.
However, you missed the point of the topic. :p

We're talking about replays you download from other players while playing the solo campaign. These replays are not saved to your Replays\Downloaded\ folder like they used to be in TMF. Rather, they are saved to the cache. You can go download one and check the timestamps of recently modified files in your cache and confirm it.

Why is this important? People like riolu and myself sometimes like to combine the replays of people from the solo ladder and see who is faster at which parts. It enables you to tailor your run for the best time possible. But as it is right now, these replays are sort of obscured in that they're buried in the cache. And even if you copy them out of the cache, they can't be used like a normal replay.
Site Leader
Location: US
:$ :$ :$ :$ :$

me says:
haha_eyebo__ already working and its not in cache :d


anyway :d

Okey i wounder way you didn´t know that becouse we talk about the replay in 2 other treads one here and one on maniaplanet. 8-| hmmm :-w

I dont think those replays will ever be available. i think that is the point to have them abscured
so you can race against theme when racing.

But how was it in tmuf/tmnf ? x, was it possible there. ? (i think your answer here is the same you give me for tm2c. x = answer.

but i agree that would be an awesome feature.
Last edited by SPIDER,
Beetle Racer
Location: SE
In TMF the downloaded replays from the solo campaign were stored in Replays\Downloaded\
You could open them in the replay editor, merge them, race against them, etc.
They were as accessible as any other replay you might save.

And yes, I already knew the autosaves for pb's were fixed. It's been discussed much on the MP forums. I'm glad they fixed it with one of the recent updates. I always used the autosaves for posting to TMX, it made it very handy. I hope they will still work when replay uploading is added here.
Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
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