- Intro
- Ingame MT
( Effects, texts, cameras )
- Outro
- Fancy scenery
- Custom music
( Touhou Remix Project: Sinister Sister - Flandre [U.N. Owen was her?] -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Poigh9NQ33A&t= )
=Special thanks to Riolu for testing it on his stream
Yo :tmx: !
Lagoon Full speed... what is that? the first thing that many people may think its wooden platform sliders... or some rollercoaster luppins...
that is not Full Speed at all, here I show you what is the real definition of Lagoon full speed!
This track is a new experience for many players, you reach the max speed a Lagoon car can ever get 1000km/h! a reall full speed map with turns, jumps and many epic moments
A perfect Advanced challenge
Best of the luck hunting the dedi here, it will not be easy
I recommend you to check the GPS first.