The copper size includes everything. Find a way to make it.
i am sorry for my retarded english but does it means i need to use every block of editor?
No. Your map must be 3500 coppers or less, road and scenery included.
mr.gmmbearz :D
The copper size includes everything. Find a way to make it.
i am sorry for my retarded english but does it means i need to use every block of editor?
And probably never will unless the rules very explicitly state otherwise. We generally never put limits on presentation.
There was that one MTC in United literally forever ago where the theme was custom cams but that's about it iirc.
Custom objects are definitely allowed as stated under the general rules (just remember to embed them). Custom mods and music aren't mentioned, but I'd say it's safe to say that they're also allowed; no one's been disqualified before for using them (a...
Hi. but I make it for valley environment and custom blocks and mod and music is a allowed?
Sorry for bad English
Yes, indeed. I actually expect that to happen a lot. It was the base idea for my first valley map and something I think isn't exploited enough.
I think you should edit the definition from under 3500 to 3500 or under then so maps with a display cost of 3500 won't risk being disqualified :P
Just to clarify: can you drive on two different surfaces/parts of a block and make that count as a re...