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 ManiaRecords closes
by   eyebo at 08 Feb, 2012  
If you see online records on your tracks disappearing, it's because ManiaRecords, TM2's first online record system, has been taken offline for good. In the words of the ManiaRecords developers:

jimpower says:
ManiaRecords was always an interim solution until Dedimania came to TM2. That's why we disable our service now - More than 1 WR-Database does not make sense. Thanks to everyone who spent time on coding and maintaining the Database - Especially uBm and undef.de.


Thanks guys! You provided a valuable service for online players and the MX community as well!

Even though ManiaRecords is gone, we still have Dedimania. For now, if you want to see the online records on tracks, you can click on the "Dedimania" link below the records box on a track page. You are also welcome to donate to dedimania if you'd like to see the global record service continue to operate and grow in the coming months and years. It's community built and run, just like MX.

- ManiaExchange News -

Replay downloading is now available.
The blogs are live. Read the welcome post.
The rules page now has some site rules.
Mania Exchange now has an official IRC channel.

Read more about updates in the public changelog.

- Official ManiaExchange Contests -

Monthly Track Contest (MTC) December
Submissions have been closed and we await the judges results.

mx Knockout Track Building
We're always looking for new maps for the weekly Knockouts. Submit your latest unreleased creations for use in the knockouts!

mx Weekly Knockout
Time: Every Saturday @ 10:00 & 22:00 GMT
Where: "mx Knockout" server in London, UK.
Who can come: Everyone is welcome. Just arrive before it starts!
--- Please note: There will be no official mx Knockout on the 24th and 31st due to Christmas and New Years Eve (see below for an alternate knockout). The official mx Knockouts will resume in January.

- Community Hosted Projects & Contests -

Goal: Be one of the top50 most active players on the INSOMNIA LOL server
Prizes: 75,000 planets
Ends: January 19, 2012

Goal: Drive some Trial maps!
Prizes: 50,000 planets
Begins: January 1, 2012.

PDT Trackmapping Contest
Goal: Make a map that receives the most karma & votes on the PDT Canyon server.
Prizes: 1000 planets
When: This contest will be held monthly

Electronic Tournaments
These guys have a long and well respected history of hosting competitions in TrackMania.
They've been actively hosting competitions in Canyon since the beta.

Electronic Sports League
This organization is well known for hosting competitions in many games.
They're also hosting competitions in Canyon.

- Topics of Interest from the Forums -

Planets Competitions
This is a topic where people post competitions for the best times on their map and reward the best players with planets.

The Big RPG track thread
Interested in building something a little different? Try building an RPG!

Online Servers Forum
If you run your own server, post about it here!
Or if you're a driver looking for a good server, look through the existing topics.

Screenshot Competitions & Requests Forum
Need a screenshot for your map? Have some spare planets? Put on a contest for the best screenshot! Or on the flipside, maybe you enjoy making screenshots. Take part in some competitions here and show off your creative talents.

The Big Wallpaper Topic
This is a place to find or post some cool wallpapers taken in Canyon.

ShootMania Storm Topic
Share in the discussion about this upcoming ManiaPlanet environment.

[b]TrackMania 1 News

Still have United or Nations Forever installed? Want a break from Canyon?
Check out some of the contests and events still going on in TM1.

- - - - - Official ManiaExchange Contests - - - - -

For Builders:
Results for the MTC November have been published! Tobbe scored a victory over Enai Siaion and Nimrod. There are still two days left to submit a track for the MTC December! This month's theme is "Connect the Blocks". We're always looking for new maps for the mx Knockouts! If it's convenient, please take a little time to build & submit some new maps for the Knockouts!

For Drivers:
The mx Knockout is held every Saturday at 10:00 & 22:00 GMT on the mx Knockout server. Please note: There will be no official mx Knockout on the 24th and 31st due to Christmas and New Years Eve (see below for an alternate knockout). The official mx Knockouts will resume in January.

- - - - - Community Hosted Projects & Contests - - - - -

For Builders:
metoxys is looking for a new map for his new 1k project. WTC is looking for Trial maps for their Trialmaster 2012 driving contest which begins on January 1.

Interested in building something a little different? Try building an RPG! What is an RPG? Check out The Big RPG track thread in the forums to find out!

For Drivers:
DriftN clan will be hosting knockouts on their server in Australia on the 24th & 31st at 10:00 & 22:00 GMT. VooTrax Winter Challenge is offering 15000 planets for the highest ranked player on their rounds server by January 2nd. Check the Planets Competitions thread in the forum for Planets to win by driving good times on tracks. zootie is offering a TM2 Canyon key for the best time posted to Snip'thib's new MTC map! exD-Clan is hosting a x-mas Cup. INSOMNIA clan is offering 50,000 planets for the 50 most active users on their server between Dec 19th and Jan 1st.

Looking for an interesting server to play on? Check out the Online Servers forum. If you run your own server, post about it there!

Don't forget that Electronic Tournaments and Electronic Sports League are both hosting competitions regularly in Canyon. If you're into driving competitions, definitely check some of those out!

For Graphic Designers:
Check the Screenshot Competitions & Requests forum for competitions to take part in, or start your own there! Have a cool TM2 wallpaper that you made? Share it in the big wallpaper thread. ScreenMania has hosted screenshot contests in the past, so check them out and see if one is ongoing. If there isn't, you can still browse through some of the stunning imagery on the site.

For Video Producers:
If you like video production, check out the Infernal Movie Contest 5 ! Hurry though, submissions close on December 20th!
TM Actu was privileged to get a first look at a real match in ShootMania Storm. There's some nice screenshots and details to whet your appetite for the upcoming ManiaPlanet environment.

Check out the article here.

Feel free to discuss it in the forum thread here on MX.

In case you missed them, here's some interesting videos about ShootMania:

- Paris Games Week - October 21 - 25, 2011 -
Trailer for ManiaPlanet & ShootMania
Hylis presents ShootMania
First Look Players View (snippets taken from video above)
Interview with Hylis

- ManiaNews - July 26, 2011 -
Benjisite interviews Hylis about ShootMania
It's finally arrived! Months of work are done.
We're proud to present to you a track by the ManiaExchange Moderators!

Get a sneak peak at:
YouTube (1080p)
TM-Tube (720p)

Or jump straight to playing the track:
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