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MTC May 2017: Choose your own Route!
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FT»lolig says:
so I just came up with some nice idea (still trying to work it out)

I made a symetrical start. until cp 1, there you drive a forced way (either way you choose first you go the same way at this cp) after a next cp the road will split again opening 2-3 new paths. wich will come together at a certain point.
if it'll be possible I'll try to make a forced way once again and then another split (wich are similar with racing time but with different driving styles)

if this will work and would be allowed it will create a map with like 12 possible ways, and different driving types. not sure if it'll work out as intended but all i can do is try :p

Well, as long the general idea of having 2 different ways to approach a CP exists, it's fine. The idea in general sounds nice, too.
site development, media
Location: DE
Is there a minimum (or maximum) on the number of CP's?
Learner Driver
Location: NL
MrSunshine58 says:
Is there a minimum (or maximum) on the number of CP's?

Ozon says:
There is no kind of block limitation other than to use only one finish.
site development, media
Location: DE
Can we really not use the ESL Titlepack...? You can have some much more variety and tools to build the track, if not, then my entry is useless for the MTC May :'(
Learner Driver
Location: EE
The problem with allowing one titlepack is that you have to then allow all titlepacks, otherwise things feel unfair. This is especially true for titlepacks such as the ESL titlepack, where there are a lot of awesome new items for Stadium and that's it. Canyon and Valley are now left out of the fun because they don't get the same variety unless you allow all custom titlepacks. At that point, however, we might see every course on its own titlepack, and some people don't want to (or can't) download more titlepacks. Because of this, they are essentially barred from judging.

There have been MTCs in the past where custom titlepacks were allowed, whether all titlepacks or just specific ones. I believe they were fine for the most part, but problems have come up before (such as certain players being unable to even use a titlepack because the menu doesn't load). I'd like to be able to use custom titlepacks, but I can see why they aren't allowed.
MTC Host
MTC Host
Location: US
krismayhem says:
Can we really not use the ESL Titlepack...? You can have some much more variety and tools to build the track, if not, then my entry is useless for the MTC May :'(

What Arkive said. You could just get embeddable / similar versions of that block/object at maniapark or simply replace them by different blocks.
site development, media
Location: DE
unforturely. we are not allowed for editing tracks this ESL Titlepacks
Skullgirlian Helper
Location: TH
Attention: Now with the update to MP4, all of you will be required to update your submitted maps to MP4.

Simply open the map in the map editor in mp4 and resave it. Some of you might wanna check out the new blocks, too :d
Last edited by Ozon,
site development, media
Location: DE
warning: MP4 has new physics I found out that many of my older maps do not work anymore so keep this in mind for your mtc entries!
edit: MP4 ruined my entry...
had a canyon map with valley car, no more envimix untill lagoon release...
Last edited by FT»lolig,
Moped Racer
Location: BE
Am I allowed to livestream while mapping my entry map?
Last edited by Taxon,
Learner Driver
Location: DE
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