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MTC August 2018: Time-Traveling
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MTC August 2018: Time-Traveling  

    Welcome to the ManiaExchange Monthly Track Contest (MTC) August 2018 hosted by Rexine & theme by Racho

    In the MTC your task is to build a track on a given theme. Later, all the entered tracks are rated and a winner is found.

    Theme of the Month: Time-Traveling
    Exactly a dozen years ago on 04-Aug-2006 , Jozii hosted the first MTC on TMN ESWC TMX. To celebrate this feat, we ask you to take us through the journey of trackbuilding in TM. Since TMO/S/N ESWC the editor saw some massive changes. We went from simplistic tracks with very few blocks to more blocks and blockmixing in Forever to all-you-can-build item and object-embedding in TM2. The theme of this month is to build a track that could be roughly separated into three distinc eras of trackbuilding with each section about at least 10s long.

    Theme Specific Rules

    • Tracklength between 30s and 3mins
    • First section ~10s+: "Simple editor" (see screenshot below), no items, no blockmixing
    • Second section ~10s+: Full editor, no items, blockmixing allowed
    • Final section ~10s+ Everything you can get out of the TM2 editor
    • Give each of the 3 section a distinct "feeling"

    • All environments
    • Blockmixing
    • Embedded items
    • Custom time of day
    • Mods (if a locator is included)

  • Nadeos Canyon, Stadium, Valley, and Lagoon Titlepacks

    Not Allowed:
    • Multilap
    • Player made TitlePacks, Multienvironment TitlePacks
    • Press Forward, Left, Right, or similar tracks

    General Rules
    • You may submit ONE TRACK maximum.
    • Duo tracks are allowed; but each map counts as one track for each author involved.
    • MTC should be present in the track name. Example: Simpli-city (MTC); or [mtc] Ruins of Life; or MTC - time for dreams (check that any special characters do not break in the TM or MX track name).
    • The track should be built in the most recent version of the game.

    • You don't have to build the first part in the Simple Editor, just try to restrict yourself to the blocks available in it (see below).
    • Since the Simple Editor in Stadium has almost no blocks, I added some more to bring the total count up to 26, comparable to the other Environments (see below)
    • All allowed blocks for the first section can be found here
    • There won't be any disqualifications if you use other blocks, but judges will be asked to keep blocks used in mind for their rating.
    • Updating your track AFTER the submission deadline has passed will lead to a disqualification. You are free to update your track once Results are published, though.

    • Your track should be uploaded before the end of Sunday August 26, 2018 at midnight EST
    • Public voting will go from August 27th to September 9th
    • Results are calculated the week of September 10th

    :gold: Honour and the right to brag! (Jozii used to say that. I hope some still remember him? :p)
    :gold: The top 3 winners will receive a showcase of a track of their choice (< 10 awards)

    How to Submit
    • To submit a track, upload it to MX and post a link to your submission here:
      MTC August 2018: Submissions Thread
    • You can update your track within the deadline as many times as you want.

    Judging: Public and internal
    We will use a 50/50 mixture of the public voting system and the internal judging
    • Everyone is allowed to judge, even players who submitted a track, but the vote for your own track will not count (give your own map a 10).
    • You must have access to all environments and vote for all tracks for your votes to count.
    • Every track will be judged with marks from 1 (bad) to 10 (good).
    • The internal judging will note some detailed feedback with points based on categories (Theme [20p], Creativity [10p], Funfactor [10p], Detailwork/Scenery/MT [10p]).

Good luck, and if you have any questions, please ask!
Last edited by AR »rexine,
Quad Bike Racer
Location: US
Here's all the blocks allowed for the first section.

Quad Bike Racer
Location: US
Sounds like a fun theme, I might boot my PC up for this one.
So for the time travel feeling i guess the scenery on each section should fit the "era". Or is this up to us, (like normal modern scenery but made clear through MT effect such as ex.: Tmo era, a small subtile notifivation on screen with oldschoolish colour effects wich advance to more modern ones the further you drive through?
Moped Racer
Location: BE
It's up to you lolig. I feel like with this particular theme the more you do to achieve it the better your score is gonna be though.
Quad Bike Racer
Location: US
Submissions are closed. Do not make any edits to your track until the results are posted.

Public voting will be open later today.
Quad Bike Racer
Location: US

MTC August Public Voting Link: https://goo.gl/NRiUoE

There are 7 *6* MTC entries (xyromad's Tree Field was made with a titlepack that wasn't allowed this MTC and won't be included in the voting). Download them all here

In the voting sheet, give your score before your feedback (0 to 10, half points are allowed), and then feedback right after it, for example:

# - feedbackfeedbackfeedback...

  • Everyone is allowed to judge, even players who submitted a map (give your own map a 10).
  • Every map will be judged with marks from 0 (bad) to 10 (good). All votes 7+ or 4- and lower require constructive feedback on why you gave it that score.
  • Note that you have to judge a stage entirely. You cannot judge only half of it. If you are not able to finish the map, your vote can still count, but please only leave that as a very last resort, and still judge the entire map fairly.
  • You need to verify your vote by making a post here. (for example: "Voted :done:")
  • One best and one worst vote for each map will be ignored if more than 10 people vote.
  • The overall score will be a 50/50 mixture of the average public score and the average internal score.
  • You must have access to all environments that were used in the MTC and vote for all maps for your votes to count.

    A panel of judges will also judge the maps.
    This internal voting will follow the format of:
    Theme (20p) | Creativity (10p) | Fun (10p) | Detailwork, MT, Scenery (10p)

    All voting will close on September 8th *9th*, 2018 at midnight PDT.

    **EDIT** There's a server up with the maps on it, feel free to join @ maniaplanet://#join=na-wtc
    Last edited by eyebo,
  • Quad Bike Racer
    Location: US
    Track Slacker
    Location: US
    Only about a week late, but voted. (y)
    MTC Host
    MTC Host
    Location: US

    Sorry for the delay everyone, we lacked public votes. Thanks to Arkive and Kousseau for stepping in to help ^^
    Here's the results with an incredibly close outcome between first and second place!

    :gold:   FT»lolig wins by a fraction of a point! :gold:

    • Some great ideas here... The sections also felt a little like moving through the history of Valley. - eyebo
    • Very fun track to drive and hunt. The map is full of creative & tricky curves and transitions that are almost all doable on the first try. - Rexine
    • The route flows well for the most part, and the sectional changes flow nicely into each other. - Arkive

    :silver:   Lars gets second place, scoring only 0.17 less than lolig! :silver:

    • This one definitely feels like time traveling. Even more so since you are traveling forward in TM-time, but backwards in architecture-time starting with highways and going through castles ending up in a simple wooden fishing village. - Racho
    • A very technical track where every tiny mistake is very cost heavy, but then making it flawlessly feels all the more rewarding. - Kousseau
    • Cool idea! There's obviously a ton of work and effort that went into this. - pjw

    :bronze:   Deska obtains a well deserved third place! :bronze:

    • I definitely got the feeling of 3 distinct eras in this track, but it still felt pretty close together somehow. - Racho
    • A solid technical map. I really like the different ideas you used here. - eyebo
    • This one was a blast all along. - Kousseau

    Thanks to all participants this month for joining in the contest, and thanks to pjw for taking the time to vote.

    lolig, Lars, and Deska receive one front page track showcase of their choice (having less than 10 awards).

    Find the full results and feedback here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17NGwvecrw2uqsdpi7SJ-5q4JGecSj1NY5mZvvEBp5TE/edit?usp=sharing

    Be sure to get into your map editor for the September 2018 MTC, there's still one week left to submit your track!
    Quad Bike Racer
    Location: US
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