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Great Forzyy! (y) (y)

A question in general: Isn't anybody here who can help you with all this programming-stuff?
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
Forzyy says:
Simple is what I'm aiming for. :)

Server isn't running since it's no longer a priority for now. It's still not as stable as I thought it would be, mostly due to bugs within the ManiaPlanet dedicated server. These stability issues require workarounds which I don't have time to add.

It will arrive. But won't be arriving any time soon. Sorry for any promises I made about PPO before. ;)

No problem... I didn't mean to put pressure on. Just asking about it because I joined the server a few days ago and thought maybe it was moved to another country... I will wait for it without killing anybody. XD

Quad Bike Racer
Location: ES
I just got a crazy and fun idea.

what about a ppbeta.

You leave feedback instead of a replay if that is possible. ? ofc its possible but how should it work !
any suggestions. ?
Beetle Racer
Location: SE
Your idea is exactly what we had at TMX called the "Beta Track" area.
Beetle Racer
Location: US
haha i know but this is pp beta as i sad. !
playpal beta. 8-|

you get some point to give feedback instead of replay
Last edited by SPIDER,
Beetle Racer
Location: SE
1. there probably won't be playpal, just playpal online.
2. with feedback you mean comments? and who'll check them? moderators?
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Space says:
1. there probably won't be playpal, just playpal online.
2. with feedback you mean comments? and who'll check them? moderators?

1 i am sure playpal is on its way to, but it takes time.
2 yes, no need but you have to leave replay as in playpal to get score then.

I am sure some people will leave feedback becouse its pp beta and thats what its for
i had a map in beta for over a year and no feed back and therefore i got this suggestion,
and if you don´t get feedback well you got a replay right. that you can watch and maybe notise something, a bug maybe. 8-|
you get my drift, ohh i mean its your turn. ;)
That was lame i know. 8-|
Last edited by SPIDER,
Beetle Racer
Location: SE
1. I'm quite sure it's not, lol ^^ I think eyebo knows smth about that...

and pleeease, try to explain your thoughts more clear, it's almost impossible to understand what you want to say -.-
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
PlayPal Online is a priority first.

There's no current plans for Offline PlayPal (or PlayPal Beta Area as you like to say). But you never know what the future holds.

Offline PlayPal (on TMUF TMX) was quite useful for those tracks that didn't fit for online, whether it be for difficulty, style, or length. A lot of my early tracks got a lot of attention because I was very active on Offline PlayPal. So I surely see the benefit of it.

I think something like a combination of Offline PlayPal and the Beta Area would indeed be really cool. Because it wouldn't just be about getting your tracks attention, but people would benefit by testing each other's tracks and giving feedback. It's a good suggestion.
Site Leader
Location: US
Please keep beta-tracks out of the official game-modes.
I'm always willing to test beta-tracks if someone asks me about my opinion. But I don't want to play them, when I just want to drive. There are enough finished tracks, so why drive unfinished? To me it became a bit annoying on the old PPO, when betas were on: often more like sketches, just some platforms, impossible to drive, no respawns...
(You now could say, that there where tracks like that, that weren't beta. But there, the author at least thought it would be suitable for PPO. With Betas you know that there's something missing.) I think it's the author's duty to present a playable track. If an author is not sure and needs some beta-testing he/she can ask specific people for feedback or post in the forums (or a beta-area) for opinions.
I don't want to be forced to play unfinished tracks.

Beetle Racer
Location: DE
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