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Allow replays on nadeo's tracks
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it seems the admins here are lazy bastards (sorry for my word choice but its true lol )
they even ignore my pm's which i cant understand...pity!
Learner Driver
Location: DE
Never underestimate volunteers. No one here gets paid to put the time in that they do. Forzyy got nothing but experience from building this site. I don't see a message from you in the Crew inbox, either.
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
I don't think you can use the volunteer defense as an excuse forever. I also volunteer my time and energies moderating on tmx and other forums. Just because I volunteer doesn't mean that it's okay that things should be let go. I admit I'm not perfect at it, but I try not to use the volunteer defense as an excuse for putting stuff off.

Of course forzyy has more to do than just MX. He has a job, a life. I appreciate everything he's done for TMX and MX, and is continuing to do. The new site looks very promising. I'm sure he's hard at work on it. I love many of the old features too... I love the install and view replay feature. I love the favorite authors feature. There's so much here that's amazing, and even some stuff I prefer over TMX, such as centralized account profiles for each sub-site.

I even understand postponing PPO and other features, such as fixing duo accounts. I'm certainly appreciative that the site exists and that there's a place we can share our tracks and have a community here. (l)

What I simply don't understand is what's so complicated about the Nadeo leaderboard. The main leaderboard has been there already for over a year. Replay uploading works. Surely the formula for how the Nadeo leaderboard works can't be that complex? It seems to me it should be virtually as simple as turning it on, or at least nearly that simple for someone as brilliant as a coder who made the site to begin with. Correct me if I'm wrong. :$ Tell me that it's way more complex than the normal leaderboard and I'll shut up. (brb)

The Nadeo leaderboard isn't even that important to me personally. I doubt I will have any records on those tracks that will stay in the top 25 for long. I just hate seeing such a basic feature missing from the site for so long. The Stadium campaign tracks will be coming soon, and people will want to share their replays... and they can't. It's just a shame, that's all. :'(
Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
Even with only canyon we complained, so with Stadium's players there will be way more people who wants to post their replays. It would be very interesting for Demon to do some top 25 video like he did many tops 10' vids with TMX!

Also agreed with eyebo like always, he always says everything with the best words.n :award:
Learner Driver
Location: CH
Whether we have time for this or not, I still wouldn't use the word "lazy" (y)
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
After 20 months for this thing which is very important for solo players I think we can say it. If we wait too much it can be useless because everyone ragequitted official mode and won't play solo again. And also what about saying "soon" and we still waited for all that time? :s It just makes false hope and it hurts. Now I guess we have a bad relation with him if he will read all this so no chance for us and I guess he will enjoy to troll us about this thing.
Learner Driver
Location: CH
Not only the unlimter-situation lead me to this question:

Why is Forzyy doing it all alone?

Arent't there qualified people to help?
Don't you want any help, Forzyy?

Maybe this can only be asked by a guy who has no clue about programming a website...
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
I am currently testing the Nadeo Leaderboard as I write this. Hopefully it shouldn't be too long (few hours maybe?). ;)

The front page is also broken. Please ignore this as it is a temporary issue.
Last edited by Forzyy,
Deep fried
Location: AU
Site Leader
Location: US
Finally :o Thanks and great job! But unfortunately, I still can't post any nadeo's replays whether a autosave or a replay that I saved. My 3 main problems are that I got "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." or "This replay already exists" or "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_dbo.UserScores'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.UserScores'. The statement has been terminated." . So I guess it's still in processing so some servers can crash or something, so I'll be patience and wait a bit more. (y)
Learner Driver
Location: CH
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