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Best of the Week (done)
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... says:
The system should be nothing but welcoming to anyone new to the scene.

Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
MX should not be biased toward veteran users. It should be as unbiased as possible. A system that is biased against newcomers is not a favorable system because, believe it or not, newcomers do exist.
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
Bucky says:

Good and new maps wouldn't have much of a rating at all because new. Good is a subjective term; it varies user to user...

Totally agree.

Bucky says:

I'll say what I've always said about the awards system. It works. If it doesn't work the way you want it to, then maybe you have to use it a bit differently. Personally, after the new year. I will be trying at least 1 random map a day. I'll post the good ones in the recommendation thread. Think about how different this place would be (in terms of what you want to see) if there were even just 10 users that did this.

Not agree. Awards works to find a nice (subjetive) track. I'm sure if a track has 10 or more awards, even some track with a few award, it's not a totally crap... But this is not work, because this site has near 11k tracks, and the most awarded list remains the same day after day.
It works so nice that some users prefer to use random search.... XD Can't understand this.

I use it in a diferent way, of course: I look for the tracks awarded by some users. For example, Smok3y taste may be same as me, because when i try the maps he awarded usually I get nice maps... Not always but most. We can say I use some users who did a selection of tracks for get nice tracks in less time and this way I'm not losing time testing craps. Of course users has to develop his own system. Because awards don't work as a dynamic system...
I know ratings is subjetive, and it could be posible a nice track get low rates (just firs votes, but for a while...)
BOTW is subjetive too. But is dynamic and it works. Not always. But most times.

Perfect system would be a rating system wich sugests to me new tracks based in what tracks rated the people who rated the tracks I rated in a similar way. Something like Filmaffinity site.

Don't get me wrong. I like a lot this site. But it's not perfect and can be improved. Of course I've found lots of nice tracks and nice autors here. But also lots of craps...
Never found a totally crap in BOTW. Sometimes I found some track I didn't like very much... But never a crap. Why? Don't get confused. Awards is a rating system wich you just can rate 10 or not rate.

I'm wondering... Why there isn't a BOTM (month)?
Quad Bike Racer
Location: ES
New idea plus nagging about the dl list hihi.

About a "less dl list" with max 30 dl and its out of list,
If a track has 30 dl it got a change to get noticed/awarded, i think 30 dl is to much but i agree when i read About 50 dl and then its a bad map so maybe 31 dl is a good kick out level of the list :p
But some dont even get 2 download and i guess its those tracks that need the attention and to be in that list.
No bad feedback is needed but if you really want to help him in some way you can simply send him a pm.
And ofc i really like some comment becouse then i know someone tryed it and i can count on my fingers that its not a good map if i dont get an award after a few days or its just lost in the croud we never know way.
And if you dont rate the track than that is telling the player that a map is bad, but again we all have diffrent taste in tracks. 1 mean that a track is not suited for that player in some way, and 5 means the track is perfect
maybe 2 rate system in 1 like this, one for scenery and one for the track, becouse one track can be awesome to drive but the scenery sux and another the scenery is awesome but the track is not so good i think you know what i mean.

And 1 to 5 in rating gives an overall score so when you rate a track you should consider those 2 factors if its not get implemented ofc.

If you rate a track like this.
Track 4 (include ingame not outro,intro, gps has nothing to do with a track) but it help. ^^
Scenery 3 (when i think about it i dont care so much about the scenery when i play a track.)
Gives rating 3.5
So for a five both those must be 5 for higest score and i think this is a good idea what do you think. ?
And intro outro has nothing to do with a track iam achamed to say that becouse i spend many hour to make my last intro :$ ahh what a heck its only newyear ones a year :d

In this 2 rating system maybe it just show for the user what people like about your track maybe you are awesome in scenery but the track is not good then you tell the user that he need to improve those on his next track so that meight give the user some feedback kind of.
And if so, not the newyear thingie, but the rating, maybe we can sort by scenery or track also :) so its up to the players to fint track on there creteria.
Search on best track or the track with best scenery. its up to you the player.
Another idea, a quick award system only one click that means you like it but you have no idea what to write.
Blank award sort of. as it is now we must write something to give the award. that meight boost the awards.

btw: i think iam good at write in english except some spellings, how it looking for an english man. ?
Last edited by SPIDER,
Beetle Racer
Location: SE
your english is very hard to understand.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
I'm not going to discuss a rating system anymore. I've made my thoughts on the subject quite clear in at least one other thread. It's been thoroughly discussed before, and I haven't heard of any plans for implementing such a system.

I still believe that you should not judge a track by the amount of downloads it has, and that it would not be very accurate if the site did so.
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
There's a long thread about ratings... But we are talking about BEST of the week. To say a track is best than others we need a system to measure/rate it. It's not so oftopic here. (of course there's no need to discuss it here again)

We all know site developers are working in serious stuff for the site, and there's no chance to doing experiments right now... But there's nothing wrong on sharing new ideas. Maybe it can be useful in the future. And there's nothing wrong on analyze or criticize (in a constructive way) the actual system.

The system has been working for years. I know. But this don't mean it can't be improved...

Quad Bike Racer
Location: ES
The idea of a rating system isn't new. I think any discussion about it here is moot.

The easiest thing to do is just rename best of the week to most popular of the week, because that's what it actually measures. To get a real best of the week would be very difficult because of the differences between users about what's 'best'. I don't think that's something we should strive for, as it seems very unlikely that there will always be those who are unhappy with the system.
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
We need the option "create a poll" in this forum XD
Quad Bike Racer
Location: ES
Best of the week is just the name of the list. It could as well have another name.
It does not claim to have the best tracks in it. As we all agreed a million times quality of tracks can hardly be defined objectively, because it's a matter of taste.

It shows tracks that did best in the existing system, that's it.
I don't know why we must still have this discussion although I know it will never come to an end, with this or with any other system in place.
..wasn't me
Location: DE
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