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75 Builders Project - Collecting Parts: Round 2
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That'd be lovely (l)
Last edited by Cxom,
Moped Racer
Location: US
pls write the news you want and PM it to me...

I may add or modify the news, but I want it not to be just from me, its a community thing, so community make news ;)
Last edited by MrA,
Surely Retired
Location: GB
And remember to give the absolute deadline for the map building this time so guys who have no time won't participate. I'm sure no one wants to wait another few months for the release of the track (brb)
Learner Driver
Location: FI
You probably have to wait a few months anyways :p
Post-production takes a while (stitching the parts together, adding/removing stuff on parts/general modifications).
Just ask eyebo how long he spent on the D25 post productions. It's not hard, its just very time consuming when you have 75 of them.
Does it djent?
Location: NO
I'm in :d
Great thing to be a part of Trackmania history!
Learner Driver
Is it possible to make another part? :)
MX Supporter
Location: IT
count me in :d
Learner Driver
Location: CA
erikfzr says:
Is it possible to make another part? :)

Cxom says:
I'm afraid I'd really like to stay away from that, as it becomes no longer a "75 builders' project"
Beetle Racer
Location: FI
Go on then, I'll make a bit. Put me towards the end though.
Moped Racer
wormi says:
erikfzr says:
Is it possible to make another part? :)

Cxom says:
I'm afraid I'd really like to stay away from that, as it becomes no longer a "75 builders' project"

I could always become schizophrenic and let my second personality make the map :p
MX Supporter
Location: IT
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