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Music lovers? Where are you?
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Didn't find some interesting for me :p
Hans Solo :
i like this (Filter) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3yvFmi_q1M
and yes it was a good times ;)
I think young generation need more look back for good music :
Last edited by 3onyx™,
Old Age Caravanner
Location: RU
(I didn't have time to answer the last days...)

@ZopUH: Hey man nice shot is defenetly my favourite song from the albums.

@Space: I totally agree that the digital distribution of media sucks. The companies overslept the evolution and illegal providers stept in. It's kinda sad that those producing the media have to suffer because of the mistakes the sellers made (it's probably not that easy to distinct between the two...)

@Nimrod: I assume that I have a too idealistic picture of musicians and you're probably right that there are many people doing it for the money. Maybe those people should think of the time they started making music. I guess that most musicians don't start making music because of the money (girls would be a more common reason), but they get kind of "corrupted" when they face the daily problems of earning money to live.
About the GEMA: There are many problems for sure, especially for smaller artists who hardly get anything back (as you mentioned). Concearning Youtube: If you are in the GEMA you give them the assignment to protect your rights, so the battle against Youtube is what they have to do. I think Youtube would not go bankrupt if they simply pay the musicians/GEMA like others do. (Man what is happening here? I'm arguing for the GEMA...)

Beetle Racer
Location: DE
these days i fearlessly switch between this and this.
hell yeah.
Quad Bike Racer
Location: IT
My favourite style of music is rock: Punk-Rock, Alternative, Nu metal.
Favourite bands are: Rise Against,SUM 41,Bullet for My Valentine,Linkin Park(ofc :d ),Flit, Offspring, Metallica, Nightwish etc :)
Last edited by Andriv,
Quad Bike Racer
Location: UA
Andriv says:
My favourite style of music is rock: Punk-Rock, Alternative, Nu metal.
Favourite bands are: Rise Against,SUM 41,Bullet for My Valentine,Linkin Park(ofc :d ),Flit, Offspring, Metallica, Nightwish etc :)

dude, you have an EPIC taste in music. I don't like nightwish that much tho^^ but 4 of the 8 bands also probably in my top 5, and the other ones are also great (y) LinkinPark just the old stuff btw
Last edited by Nim,
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
Quad Bike Racer
Location: UA
G-kart Racer
Location: ES
just no words
listen it dudes-so beautifull and chillin :p (l)
Old Age Caravanner
Location: RU
Quad Bike Racer
Location: IT
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