I have just played the
latest version with 8 parts and I don't see why the project should be reset. Eternity's part was fixed by Racho before it was passed to the next builder and should not have been a problem since. I see plenty of 'not-perfect-but-ok-enough' parts throughout the rest of the track. But the track still works good enough.
Well actually the last part with the up side down road should go. It doesn't work in cam1 and even with an MT cam it's too hard/confusing. You could keep the upside down idea but make it easier. Like a simple flat 90 degrees turn.
So no-one should go imo. Just try to make parts shorter now. Like 15-20 secs. I'm just afraid that resseting the project will end in fail.
And maybe next time don't use discord. Things can get way too personal there.
The most important thing in community tracks is to let people build what they want even if it's not perfect. If you want a perfect track then build one yourself or with close friends.