The ESL Titlepack is a pack I didn't specify but really should of ('is it custom or standard enough?'), so overall that's also my fault. For any other titlepack it is pretty cut and dry, but can see the ESL titlepack being a sort of grey area that wasn't asked about yet. I looked though the map and luckily all the main route objects are available as custom objects - they only thing that is different it that small blue quarterpipe on the map, and since it's not on the main line it's nothing major in terms of changes.
Snowman I sent you a PM about it as well so it can be converted to the normal Stadium titlepack.
So after this, to now clarify, the ESL Titlepack is not allowed (also updated in the main rules now), as I think it does give an advantage to Stadium - luckily Lost in Chaos is 95% standard Stadium, and all the blocks are available as existing blocks or only need a slight tweak with the mesh editor. Hopefully no one else is currently building with the ESL titlepack - if so, PM me and we can work something out.
Last edited by Linkin|Alex,