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MTC June 2017: Two Sided
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Psclly says:

Thank you very much for the tip about the numpads, I was already looking for a way to get those kinds of turns working :d Also, where do I get flat cp's? I've been trying to find them online, but no matter what I search I can't find them. Sorry for ignorance if it's actually right there in front of me.

Right, xacxa's blocks are not on ManiaPark yet, and the manialink to get them ingame doesn't work yet. So here is a link to them for now: xacxa's Stadium Waypoints

I think all of the other main custom blocks for all the environments can be found on ManiaPark.
Last edited by Linkin|Alex,
Quad Bike Racer
Location: US
[Linkin says:
  • Custom Titlepacks are not allowed

[Bad Track/Map Link] is built in the esl_comp-pack. that's against the rule isn't it?
G-kart Racer
Location: AT
The ESL Titlepack is a pack I didn't specify but really should of ('is it custom or standard enough?'), so overall that's also my fault. For any other titlepack it is pretty cut and dry, but can see the ESL titlepack being a sort of grey area that wasn't asked about yet. I looked though the map and luckily all the main route objects are available as custom objects - they only thing that is different it that small blue quarterpipe on the map, and since it's not on the main line it's nothing major in terms of changes.

Snowman I sent you a PM about it as well so it can be converted to the normal Stadium titlepack.

So after this, to now clarify, the ESL Titlepack is not allowed (also updated in the main rules now), as I think it does give an advantage to Stadium - luckily Lost in Chaos is 95% standard Stadium, and all the blocks are available as existing blocks or only need a slight tweak with the mesh editor. Hopefully no one else is currently building with the ESL titlepack - if so, PM me and we can work something out.
Last edited by Linkin|Alex,
Quad Bike Racer
Location: US
All tracks are fixed so far, thanks all!

Three more days remain for building, until the end of Sunday June 25th PDT!
Last edited by Linkin|Alex,
Quad Bike Racer
Location: US
The end of Sunday PDT = 9 AM CEST Monday = 5 PM AEST Monday is the final submission time!
If you happen to miss the deadline, still send your map, but know it's subject to a deduction of 2 pts/hour, up til 10 points.
Quad Bike Racer
Location: US

Public Voting Link: Closed

The internal voting will follow the format of:
Theme (20p) | Creativity (10p) | Fun (10p) | Detailwork, MT, Scenery (10p)
Possible point deductions can be up to 10p maximum (late submission, rule breaches, block violations, etc.)

  • Everyone is allowed to judge, even players who submitted a map (give your own map a 10).
  • Every map will be judged with marks from 0 (bad) to 10 (gud). All votes 7+ or 4- and lower require constructive feedback on why you gave it that score.
  • Note that you have to judge a stage entirely. You cannot judge only half of it. If you are not able to finish the map, your vote can still count, but please only leave that as a very last resort, and still judge the entire map fairly.
  • You need to verify your vote by making a post here. (for example: "Voted :done:")
  • One best and one worst vote for each map will be ignored if more than 10 people vote.
  • The overall score will be a 50/50 mixture of the average public score and the average internal score.
    Last edited by Linkin|Alex,
  • Quad Bike Racer
    Location: US
    Voted :done:
    Learner Driver
    Location: FR
    Voted :done: ;)
    Learner Driver
    Location: CZ
    Voted :done: :cool:
    Learner Driver
    Location: US
    I won't be able to take care of voting until the night of the 30th--is that too late? I'm not sure if "Public voting will go from June 26th to June 30th" means that the 30th is included or not...
    Track Slacker
    Location: US
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