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MTC July 2017: 15 Seconds (results on page 6)
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MTC July 2017: 15 Seconds (results on page 6)  

    Welcome to the ManiaExchange Monthly Track Contest (MTC), July 2017!

    In the MTC your task is to build a track on a given theme. Later on, all of the entered tracks will be rated and a winner will be found.

    Theme of the Month: 15 Seconds
    Create a track that must be longer than 10 seconds, but not longer than 15.99 seconds.
    The theme is not about how close the track time can get to exactly 15 seconds, but how may creative ideas can be explored in a short amount of time

    • The track must be longer than 10 seconds but not longer than 15.99 seconds.
    • As long as it's possible for any good player to drive the track within 16 seconds, the track will qualify. Your author time must also be between 10 and 15.99 seconds.
    • If the track is clearly shorter than 10 seconds, (for example 7.50 seconds on an average run), the map cannot be counted. Author time does not matter in this case.
    • LOL maps (gimmicky and lucky maps) are allowed, but think twice before you use one as your only entry.
    • There should not be any major cuts on the track, and there should not be any minor cuts that clearly shorten the track below 10 seconds.

    • All tracks should be submitted before the end of Sunday 23rd, July 2017 PDT
    • Public voting will go from July 24th to July 30th
    • Results are calculated on July 31st

    :gold: Honour and the right to brag! (Jozii used to say that. I hope anyone still remembers him? :p)
    :gold: The top 3 winners will receive a showcase of a track of their choice (< 10 awards)

    General Rules
    • MTC should be present in the mapname. Example: MTC - Skyfall (check that any special characters do not break in the TM or MX track name)
    • 1 map per author

    • All environments are allowed
    • Custom objects are allowed
    • Envimixing is allowed
    • Blockmixing is allowed
    • 64x64 mapbases are allowed

    • Custom Titlepacks are not allowed (also not the ESL and RPG titlepack)
    • Press Forward, Left, Right, or similar tracks are not allowed

    How to Submit
    • To enter a track, simply upload it and post a link to your submission here:
      MTC July 2017: Submission Thread
    • You can update your map within the deadline as many times as you want. Though be mindful of replays submitted to your map!

    Judging: Public and internal
    We will use a 50/50 mixture of the public voting system and the internal judging
    • Everyone is allowed to judge, even players who submitted a map, but the vote for your own map will not count (give you own map a 10).
    • Every map will be judged with marks from 1 (bad) to 10 (gud).
    • The internal judging will note some detailed feedback with points based on categories (Theme [20p], Creativity [10p], Funfactor [10p], Detailwork/Scenery/MT [10p]) - the point distribution might change slightly.

    • More judging details to be added soon
Good luck, and if you have any questions, please ask!
Last edited by eyebo,
Quad Bike Racer
Location: US
I am so up for this! You can count me in.

ps: if anyone cares about respawns here, I will look for you, I will find you ... and I will [am I allowed to say this here] you
Last edited by iHq/fredair.esu,
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
And I don't think it'll be an issue with this theme, but just in case, to reiterate for newer builders, if you have any questions about something, ask here before you build it. :build:
Last edited by Linkin|Alex,
Quad Bike Racer
Location: US
fredair.esu says:

LOL, I'm going to complain specifically about your CPs, even if your track doesn't have any in it, just to see if your head explodes. ;)
Track Slacker
Location: US
Linkin|Alex says:

should be present in the mapname. Example: MTC.Skyfall

Since MP4 cuts of tracknames after '.' and seems to have problems with other characters in tracknames, you should probably change the naming example for the time being. ;)
Last edited by Racho,
Moped Racer
Racho says:
Since MP4 cuts of tracknames after '.' and seems to have problems with other characters in tracknames, you should probably change the naming example for the time being. ;)

Fixed (y)

Also just in case, the theme isn't about how close the track time can get to exactly 15 seconds, but how many creative ideas can be explored in a short amount of time.
Last edited by Linkin|Alex,
Quad Bike Racer
Location: US
I love this theme :d
Moped Racer
Absolutely love it as well! (l)
I also really like that instead of me struggling to find the right ideas (which is why I rarely submit MTC maps although I build at least 1 or 2 for each one) I struggle with the overwhelming amount of ideas I have.
The fact that the difficulty can be a little bit harder due to the tracks being so short is also really nice.
Buffer Overflow
Location: DE
Solux says:
Absolutely love it as well! (l)
I also really like that instead of me struggling to find the right ideas (which is why I rarely submit MTC maps although I build at least 1 or 2 for each one) I struggle with the overwhelming amount of ideas I have.
The fact that the difficulty can be a little bit harder due to the tracks being so short is also really nice.

Yep, with short-themed challenges it allows for technically less building than a 'full' track, so it may be less time-intensive in that direction, but then more emphasis is placed on that smaller portion.

And I should mention here as well; thanks to   FT»lolig for the idea/reminder that it's an annual thing. ^^
Last edited by Linkin|Alex,
Quad Bike Racer
Location: US
Is it okay to make the default line longer than 15 seconds as long as it's still possible to finish under 15?
In other words put a cut in.
Last edited by AR »rexine,
Quad Bike Racer
Location: US
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