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Your Mania Exchange account has not be linked with your ManiaPlanet account. Click here to link them.
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Extra advice: Start TM2 and login there, than go back to the site. Then you can login :s
Very strange.
Learner Driver
habell says:
I can't link the account. I get "Authentication denied. Wait and retry." every time I try to login on maniaplanet via that link. When logging in on TM2 it is no problem.
Is there any other way to post tracks?? I've posted several but I am unable to do so now :(

Your account appears linked, so you should be fine to upload tracks now.
Surely Retired
Location: GB
I haven't received an activation e-mail even though I've had them resend it numerous times.

edit: oops forgot they changed my password 8-| -problem resolved =p
Last edited by s8ndm8n,
Space Cowboy
Location: US
Another one here...keeps saying it isn't linked when it should be. Logged out, logged in, still nothing.
Learner Driver
Same issue here. MX Accounts says I'm linked, TM2 Exchange says I don't have anything linked to my account - click on the "click here to link them" and I get an error saying "Player login already associated with another account." followed by a stack trace :o tisk tisk

I've logged in/out, deleted cookie/session data, logged in to ManiaPlanet and tried again - nothing works.
Learner Driver
same mistake on my account^^
Learner Driver
I've fixed a couple of bugs associated with connecting ...

- You no longer have to wait for the error to disappear. It's instantaneous now.
- If you're not logged into the accounts portal, you are now redirected to the login page.

If you made a mistake during the connection process, send me a PM and I'll disconnect your accounts. ;)
Deep fried
Location: AU

My "MX Account" says I'm linked, but TM2 Exchange disagree...

Logged out, logged in, didn't change anything :-/
Learner Driver
In what way does it disagree? As I check your MX account on MX Portal and it says :-

... says:
Your account is currently associated with: jokeur

Therefore it should catch up pretty soon, you should be able to do all the things you wanted to, like upload or award.
Last edited by MrA,
Surely Retired
Location: GB
MrA says:
In what way does it disagree? As I check your MX account on MX Portal and it says :-

... says:
Your account is currently associated with: jokeur

Therefore it should catch up pretty soon, you should be able to do all the things you wanted to, like upload or award.

On top of TM2 Exchange, I have the "Your Mania Exchange account has not be linked with your ManiaPlanet account. Click here to link them."

http://self/pic/ce94db230194954c0c78d468ad6128efc930f5d1.png" alt="" />
Learner Driver
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