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Your Mania Exchange account has not be linked with your ManiaPlanet account. Click here to link them.
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MrA says:
Please all below retry to connect your accounts....


It works!!! (l)
Thanks ;)
Learner Driver
Jokeur says:
Ville says:
Have you tried refreshing? (ctrl+f5 or something similar)

I tried logging out, logging in, and even an other computer (no possible issue with cookies or wathever then 8-| )

same here, need some help pls ;)
Learner Driver
xniggox23, youmay retry it.
Surely Retired
Location: GB
fast service and problem solved, great!
Learner Driver
I have the same problem. Waited a day so far, and still it didn't go away.
Learner Driver
MPeti, you may retry.
Surely Retired
Location: GB
same problem here. tm.mx says "Your Mania Exchange account has not be linked with your ManiaPlanet account. Click here to link them." after clicked "here" i get: "Player login already associated with another account."
but on accounts.mx it says: "Your account is currently associated with: psycho_dmr"

Uh? Oo
Last edited by psycho_dmr,
Learner Driver
psycho_dmr, you may retry now.
Surely Retired
Location: GB
Same problem for me ^^
Learner Driver
Roxer, you may now retry
Surely Retired
Location: GB
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