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Steve Jobs dead
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Agreed, the computer industry is at a turning point. Both Microsoft and Apple have been making their computers interface more like tablets. Apple added a lot of gesture controls to their trackpads, and windows 8 looks like a full size version of windows phone 7. Both are trying to phase out the desktop. Since performance increases have been slowing down (mostly because of power consumption), mobile computing and efficiency is now what firms are striving for.
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
As a hobbyist programmer and supporter of open source software, if the trend of more portable devices continues to include a trend of ever-increasing software provider control, then I will simply boycott all future devices. Sadly I'm probably the only person in the world who would do it.

I'm already boycotting iOS and Android devices (iOS due to requiring authorization to publish apps and Android because I hate Google's massive control of the economy), but I'm alone in this.
Rise from the ashes!
Location: US
OS platforms need developers. They can't retain users if they have nothing to use the platform for. I can understand that OS publishers can offer solutions of their own, but offering the chance for someone else to come up with a better solution is a must. This is how we progress through competition. I don't think a company could succeed with over-controlling their app market.

I do as much as I can with linux, my music production on OSX (trying to phase that into linux), and I keep windows around for games. I think each platform has their strengths and weaknesses, and it's just about finding what's right for you. I also have an Android phone. As a programmer myself, it's nice to work with an open platform. iOS developing is something that has a yearly cost. For me, Android was the better platform, because I needed a smartphone to work efficiently, but I also want to be able to toy with it in my own way.

There's got to be a niche in technology for everyone, even if it means keeping your simplistic phone. It's all a matter of opinion.
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
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