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Steve Jobs dead
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This man was genius. Nobody else can make you pay 20% more if the product has an apple on it. I don't like apple stuff but I respect him as a businessman and a technology developer.

Last edited by wormi,
Beetle Racer
Location: FI
Now Apple has no Jobs.
Had to pull of that one. Don't like Apple that much.
However, yesterday I bought some Apple stock and now Jobs died and it's going down so hard >.<
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
lol, lucky man... but if you would have bought them before the new iphone 4s presentation, you wouln't have lose that much...
Moped Racer
Location: CH
HOOOOOOOO gotta invest in Microsoft now. Helluva yes
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
Actually, with such "volatile" stocks, there is nothing you can buy without risk.
Maybe there are some bonds, but still...
Moped Racer
Location: CH
The German stock market is relaxing atm and going up 2.49%
ThyssenKrupp goes up by 8.21%, how the hell did I miss that? ^^
Oi so much is good now
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
People like Steve Jobs are rare gems. He was a true visionary with a unique insight into the human side of technology. There are a lot of smart people in the world, but very few with the insight Steve had.

I've used PCs for over 23 years. First, it was PCs running MS-DOS, then Windows... and even a few with Linux. The innovations developed by Apple for their products has directly impacted the change in technology and ease-of-use in PCs. So, even though I've traditionally not been a Mac user, I am very grateful to Steve Jobs for his impact on my life.

For the last 7 years I've used iTunes on my PC. I've owned 3 different iPods, all of which I've loved due to the simplicity of their interface. They "just worked".

When the iPad was released, I was quick to buy it... and it's been one of the greatest pieces of technology I've ever owned. Growing up watching Star Trek The Next Generation... I always dreamed of having a handheld PC as they did on the show. They were known as PADDs. Well, now I own one. It's truly incredible.

I've had an Android phone for the last few years, due to its tight integration with Google. But I'm due for a replacement soon, and it will be an iPhone.

But I think more than any one product, it was Steve's vision for making computers more accessible to the masses that he'll ultimately be remembered for, as well as the incredible story of his life and career. He truly changed the world.

The design of products that Steve had a hand in are nothing less than works of art. They transcend the technology itself and become something of beauty that you not only use, but enjoy using... not just because of how they work... but how they look while doing their job.

Of course there were many involved in the development of these devices, but it was Steve's attention to detail that assured they didn't go out the door unless every detail was perfect.

This photo of Steve Jobs was taken in 1982 in his apartment. I think this photo tells a lot about the man. He believed in simplicity and living a very simple life. Happiness doesn't come from the things we own or the money we have, but how we live our life.

We should all strive to approach what we love with as much passion and enthusiasm as Steve Jobs.

Rest in peace Steve.
Site Leader
Location: US
Instead of just assuming that Apple stock is going to plunge, why not look at the facts? There was a minor dip yesterday, but today it has rebounded and is back to where it was a few days ago ...

and well said eyebo. I couldn't agree more (except with replacing you Android phone with an iphone :p )
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
Thanks Steve for everything you have done. iPhone, iPad (I own one :p ) iPod , Mac, and more stuff.

Last edited by FT»Mandark,
Beetle Racer
Location: RO
Yep, well put eyebo!
Location: GB
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