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Steve Jobs dead
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My feelings towards Apple have mostly been 'bittersweet'. I liked the products, I think they are awesome and very innovative. On the other hand I hate the big hype around Apple, the hype which results in way too high prices for what you get and everyone screaming 'ZOMG I GET A MACBOOK PRO". Yeah so what, it's just a laptop with OSX running on it. Therefore I am glad some other companies like Google step up with Android (and I'm a happy owner of a Galaxy SII).

Besides this background, I'm a big fan of Steve Jobs. I don't think you can have anything other than respect for what he has done in his life. A brilliant man, who worked with a thrilling passion. I was quite surprised how much I was hit by his death. The feeling that he just isn't here anymore to surprise me with his simple, yet stunning ideas is kind of awkward. Even though he already resigned it's just different because now I'm sure that he won't return.

Back to Toy-Car-Racer :(
Location: NL
How come that so many people who are beneficial in public die so fast?
Michael Jackson...
Steve Jobs...
Elvis Presley...

not good
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
They have enough money to live unhealthy.
Beetle Racer
Location: FI
Look at the picture posted by eyebo. I really don't think that Steve was the kind of guy to have an unhealthy lifestyle.
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
metoxys says:
How come that so many people who are beneficial in public die so fast?

You thinking that other people don't die "so fast"?

Anyway, he was indeed a visionary who made computers and computer gadgets look 'cool' and 'trendy'. And he was obviously a brilliant business man aswell. I'm not really an Apple fan myself but you have to have respect for what he's accomplished. Rest in Peace.
Quad Bike Racer
Location: AT
totally agree with you guys about how improtant he was to Apple's success. I am just going to kick back now and watch apple become the next microsoft.... :d
Beetle Racer
Location: US
I recommend the film "Pirates of Silicon Valley" from 1999 for some background on how it all started with Apple and Microsoft. It sort of makes you see Jobs and Gates with different eyes.
Last edited by ohei2,
Be as you wish to seem.
Location: DE
Seen it. Good film.
Site Leader
Location: US
Will DL it today
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
Banjee says:
totally agree with you guys about how improtant he was to Apple's success. I am just going to kick back now and watch apple become the next microsoft.... :d

Isn't it the other way around seeing as though Windows 8 will be less friendly to open development? If they killed the console then I'm double screwed, since I still haven't fully figured out the allegro library.

Either way, the computer technology industry is at a turning point. Either accept the fact that both companies are trying to phase out desktops and laptops and start building tablets and smartphones (if that's the case I'll be hoping for a CME to set us back fifty years technology-wise) or start selling computers that run Linux. I'm sure companies like Ubisoft and VALVe will have no choice but to switch platforms due to the open-ended nature of their games (Trackmania isn't the only customizable game that Ubisoft has, there's the Chessmaster series and I bet they have some stuff that I haven't seen yet).
Rise from the ashes!
Location: US
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