All the comps on campus are Macs... and there's a mac store on campus.
I've never seen one anywhere else except for the old apple 2 back in kindergarten.
Mac mouses really suck.
(I usually bring my wireless)
______________________________________ (srs bns inc)
Anyway, I sold my prize for $250 and I'm going to buy an ipod/headphone with it.
I trimmed my library to match my old ipod capacity (4gb... ew =\) and the new one will be 16gb.
So I'm looking for 12gb worth of new music, anyone looking for points might post a couple of albums they think I might enjoy.
Current Favs:
Porcupine tree
I like variety.(which may not be reflected in the above list)
I generally dislike pop-anything, rap, techo, and opera.
I doubt windows has the motivation/ability to flame me properly. He's too modest. Or she.